Chapter 7: Everything's Gonna Be Alright

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Chapter 7: Everything's Gonna Be Alright

Cecelia's POV - 

After we got out of that dreadfully dark and freezing shop, we swapped numbers and went our seperate ways.

I am now sitting in Eleanor's and Lou's house eating and discussing our plans to go out tonight clubbing.

My phone bleeps with a message

Haz: Hello smelly x Just kidding you smell like Mango

I laugh at his message and they turn at me with smirks

"ARE YOU TALKING TO A ..." He gasps at the end

"BOY !?!"He shouts

I blush and answer with a 'no'

"YOU GOT A BOYFRIEND YOU GOT A BOYFRIEND !" Lou and El shout together

"I need a nickname for you .... " El says

"Cece, call me Cece; the other one was fake" I say blushing again

"We all knew that" Lou says while swigging his beer 

"Is that your real name ?" El asks

I nod my head, it's not technically lieing 

"My real name is Louise" Lou says and I burst out laughing

"Tell me about him" She says

"He's cute and he's sweet and..." I drift off

"And ?" She asks

"And I only officially met him yesterday, but he looks so familiar" I say running my hands through my hair

"He could be a childhood friend maybe ?" She says

"He knew my parents" I say

"You haven't talked about your parents" Lou says

"What do you wanna know ?" I ask

"Where they are " She says 

"6 feet under" I say with no emotion

 Their faces fill with pity and I shake my head furiously

"No ! Don't feel sorry for me ! I didn't tell you so you could pity me" I shout standing up but feeling like I'm going to fall

I hear someone shout Cece before everything goes black....

A/N: What did you guys think, sorry it's a crap chap



Love y'all ! 

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