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It's the start of the spring term and I've decided to move on with my life. 

I've started talking to Ron again, he and Lavender broke up so I now feel that I can talk to him. He's really caring. I wish I could've lost my virginity to his ginger soul rather than Severus' confused one. I'm not talking about him anymore though. He blew his chance with me.

I was thinking of asking to stop doing potions, but then others would become suspicious and I was doing really well. Severu- Professor Snape is a good teacher, and he will not ruin my future like he ruined my past. 

"What do you think Hermione?" Ron asked. We were walking to Herbology. His ginger hair was flickering in the sunlight.


"Weren't you listening? Who will win the Quidditch match between South Africa and France?" he stopped to look at me. Harry listened intently too.

"Uh, South Africa," I guessed.


Harry nodded stayed quiet.

"Why are you two being so weird?" Ron asked, "Is it because I'm the only one who has lost my virginity multiple times and you haven't?????"

I shook my head slightly. "You can't lose it more than once"

"Well I did" Ron retorted.

"Well, obviously, you didn't,"

"Well, I did,"

"No-" Harry interrupted. 


I shook my head again. I'm not going to argue with him. He is the one who is lucky I'm not avoiding him still like he was avoiding me.  I probably lost my virginity before him anyway so I don't know why he's acting so smug. What's the joy in losing it anyway? We're just impure and stupid. 

I wonder why Harry was being so quiet. He obviously had the Voldemort schizophrenic episode thing going on, but it was nothing compared to what I was going through. I had it tough. I was the one with the heartache. Not him. 

"So, Hermione, I heard you're failing potions," Ron laughed. Harry shook his head.

I stormed off by then. I walked back up the hill to the Gryffindor Dorm with my hair flailing behind me and my eyes teary. They didn't call after me. I heard Harry mutter "Idiot" and I hope it was directed to Ron. I didn't mind missing herbology. I didn't mind missing anything anymore. I'll be a dentist like my parents or I'll just be a surrogate mother and get money that way. 

On the way there I saw Dumbledore. His robe fell gracefully behind him and he had a grim smile on his face. I could've punched him so hard that-

"Ms Granger," he said in a monotone. Something was odd about him.

I didn't reply. I just glared into his eyes and tried to stop myself from welling up. He had gained weight and he looked slightly flushed. I felt like laughing. At least I haven't got any uglier. I turned to go but he caught my arm. 

"I know you should be in lesson but I don't care about that. I need to tell you something,"

"Save it," my eyes were at serious risk of pouring with tears. I didn't need him anymore and I just wanted him to go. He wasn't the professor I respected anymore. He was the weird perverted man who ruined my life. 

"No" His eyes looked rabid and wild. He looked ill. His face changed colour to a peculiar shade of green and then he threw up on my shoes.

I was about to punch him in the stomach for doing this to me but then I looked at it. It was rounded and small. It wasn't flat. It had something in it. I screamed with rage. I choked on my tears. Then he said it:

"Hermione, I'm pregnant."

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