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Thank you! #732 in fanfiction 💕🌿

Thank you! #732 in fanfiction 💕🌿

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Y/N entered her classroom expecting her usual seat to be empty, but apparently, it was taken by some girl that recently transferred to her school. Y/N was a bit upset that the girl took her seat and none of her friends said anything - but she just let it go. She doesn't really like finding problems with anyone in this school and besides, she's the new student.
Y/N looked around the classroom in search of an empty seat; and - unfortunately for her - there was an empty seat beside the school's bad boy - Yuta.

"Just my luck," Y/N mumbled to herself before walking over.
Y/N didn't hate him or anything, it was just that he is pretty intimating, cold to lots of people and unapproachable. But, she'll have to make the best of it.
Y/N walked towards Yuta timidly with her bag hanging on her shoulder and two textbooks in her arm. When she got there, Yuta had his headphones on - not noticing Y/N's presence.
"Is this seat taken?" Y/N asked but Yuta didn't hear her. She then decided to take off his headphones and ask him: "Excuse me, is this seat taken?"
Yuta looked a little bit angry - but Y/N didn't care. "Well, there's nobody sitting there, so you can think that for yourself," Yuta replied sarcastically.
"You don't have to sound so sarcastic," Y/N said trying not to raise her voice. "I was just being polite."
Yuta just looked at her with no sign of apologetic and put his headphones back on. Y/N sighed lightly and sat on the chair.

"Hey Y/N, how do you do this?" One of their classmates asked.
"Let me see," Y/N said as she looked at the question and began to explain to her classmate.
Yuta stole a glance at her and looked at her beautiful and gentle smile. Honestly, Yuta has like the biggest crush on Y/N since the first day he laid eyes on her - it's cliché, but it's true. Y/N made him nervous every single moment; that's why he's acting cold. He doesn't want Y/N to know that he's nervous and all.
"Thank you so much Y/N, you're the best."
"No problem," Y/N replied and continued to do her work.
Y/N noticed that Yuta was looking at her. Y/N looked at him and gave him a really sweet smile. Yuta immediately looked away trying to hide his face from embarrassment.
Yuta mentally punched himself for feeling embarrassed and hoped that Y/N didn't realise it.

The day after that, Y/N came in and sat at the same place - beside the bad boy. Her usual seat wasn't taken today, but she insisted on seating at the same place. Like you expect, Y/N has some feelings for Yuta, but it isn't as strong because lots of the girls in the school liked him and he has a reputation - so, she basically has no chance. In addition, Yuta is like a bad boy. Y/N doesn't really like bad boys that much - but something about Yuta just attracts her to him.

As Y/N sat beside Yuta, she greeted him with a smile and took out her phone. Y/N began playing a game that interested Yuta - a lot - because he played this exact same game too.
Yuta watched in amazement at how good Y/N was at the game and how relaxed she was playing. When he plays the game, he's very serious and all - so she's like the complete opposite.
"Aww," Y/N whined in disappointment when she lost the game.
"You should use this card instead of the because that card is the monsters weakness," Yuta said in a gentle voice to Y/N.
Y/N looked a bit shock at Yuta's sudden gentleness and listened to what he said.
After playing that level and passing it, Y/N smiled widely and thanked Yuta.
"You're welcome," Yuta said with a small smile.
"I didn't know you would like this game," Y/N said.

"Well, you don't know a lot of things about me," Yuta said with a little smirk.
"Oh really?" Y/N asked not really believing him.
"Yeah, and when you do, you might even fall in love with me," Yuta confidently teased her.
"Wow, Mr. Bad Boy is all flirtatious," Y/N teased him.
"Wait, what? Mr. Bad Boy?" Yuta asked. "Is that what you all are calling me?"
"Yeah, cause you're pretty bad," Y/N teased with a little giggle.
"Alright, tell me what makes me a bad boy," Yuta challenged her.
"Well, your clothes aren't tucked in, you play with your phone during class, you've tried smoking and you've bullied some students," Y/N said.

"Okay, the clothes and the phone is true. But, the smoking isn't. Where did you hear that from?" Yuta asked with a little pout.
"It's a gossip the whole school's been talking about," Y/N said.
"Well, the whole school's wrong. The only time I touched a cigarette was to hide it from my father, so he'll stop smoking," Yuta explained himself.
"Okay fine, what about the bullied part?" Y/N asked.
"Bully? I don't think I've bullied anyone," Yuta said with a frown.
To Y/N, Yuta's frown was probably the cutest thing ever.

"The girls said that they saw you scolding some guy and threatening him," Y/N said.
"Hmm, let me think," Yuta said trying his hardest to recall - and it came to his mind. "That wasn't bullying - I believe. It's more like lending a helping hand."
"How is it helping hand?" Y/N asked curiously.
"Well, you see, my friend was being bullied by another person; and I, just stepped in to help him not get bullied anymore," Yuta explained.
"Oh, I see," Y/N said with a nod. "So, Mr. Bad Boy has some good in his blood then - huh?"
"Well, of course, I do," Yuta said with a smirk. "And maybe, Ms. Good Girl has some bad blood running in her veins?"

"Ms. Good Girl?" Y/N asked in shock and tried her hardest not to laugh.
"Well, you're like the kindest and sweetest person in the school," Yuta said.
"Okay, I'm not bragging or anything - but it is true," Y/N said in a joking way.
"Oh wow, Ms. Good Girl is a showoff," Yuta teased and Y/N hit him lightly - making him laugh.
"I am not and I can be a pretty bad myself," Y/N said.
"Ms. Good Girl can be bad too?" Yuta asked in slight disbelief.
"Umm yes, I've chewed gum before and our school doesn't allow gum on campus," Y/N said.
"I've done that too, it's pretty normal," Yuta said pretending not to be impressed.
"Ummm, I've returned a book late and haven't paid the fine yet," Y/N said.
"That's something a nerd would do," Yuta teased.
"Fine, I once skipped class and went to the rooftop because I didn't want to see our maths teacher," Y/N said softly.
"Alright, now that's pretty bad for someone like you," Yuta said impressed - making Y/N smile widely.
"You don't seem cold at all," Y/N said. to Yuta.
"Well, it's because I was nervous," Yuta confessed.
"Because you're sitting beside me."
"And why would Ms. Good Girl make Mr. Bad Boy nervous?" Y/N asked with a giggle.
"Because Ms. Good Girl is the prettiest and kindest person that Mr. Bad Boy has ever seen," Yuta said with a slight blush appearing.
Y/N was a little shock at his sudden comments but accepted it. "Well, I'm happy that Mr. Bad Boy think of Ms. Good Girl that way," Y/N said with a smile. "Because there's something that attracts Ms. Good Girl to Mr. Bad Boy."
Yuta smiled upon hearing Y/N's words and the teacher came in - unexpectedly late.
"Class I apologise for being late. Please open your textbooks to page 142," the teacher said as she settles down.

Yuta looked at Y/N and felt his heart racing because the two felt the same way about each other.
Yuta took out a piece of paper and began to write something and passed it to Y/N without the teacher seeing:
How about we meet at the rooftop during lunch?
Y/N then wrote on the paper as a reply:
Won't we get in trouble?
Yuta smirked at her words and replied:
Well, Ms. Good Girl has to try being a bad girl for once.
Y/N rolled her eyes with a slight giggle as she read the messaged and replied:
And Mr. Bad Boy needs to be a good boy for once and stop writing messages like this so we don't get in trouble.
Yuta took another piece of paper, because the first one is filled, and wrote:
Okay, but let me just send you a few more, maybe two?
Y/N glanced at Yuta a little and a small smile appeared as she wrote:
Okay, shoot it.
Yuta took a deep breath before writing this because this question will either be a beginning of something wonderful, or something horribly wrong:
Would you like to be the good girl that every bad boy needs?
Y/N was a little shock and gasp a little - luckily the teacher didn't hear her:
Is Mr. Bad Boy confessing to me?
Yuta took another paper and wrote:
Yes, because Mr. Bad Boy is deeply in love with Ms. Good Girl and wants to give this relationship a try.
Before Y/N could write anything back, the paper was taken by their class teacher. "You two," their teacher said and pointed to Y/N and Yuta. "Principal's office, now."

Y/N and Yuta awkwardly stood up - trying not to laugh - and immediately walked out the class.
As the two began walking across the hallway to the principal's office, Yuta asked the question again. "Would you like to be my girlfriend?"
Y/N immediately kissed him - giving him a little shock but he immediately returned the kiss.
So, you could say that the two are one of the most popular couples in the school and their relationship lasted longer than anyone expected.
They've settled down, have kids, actually jobs, a proper house of their own. It's something that no one in their school expected.

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