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It had been three days since you had seen Yuta. The huge argument you had in the middle of your apartment kitchen had resulted in the end of your relationship.

He had always been very trusting, but catching you with your guy friend at a coffee shop was not good. To make it even worse, your friend who was interested in you had no idea you and had a boyfriend and thought it would be a great idea to take your had from across the table just as Yuta walked through the doors. He never expected a break from his dance practice to turn into the end of his 2 year relationship with you.

You both overreacted in the argument. Things were said that you didn't mean and you knew some of the things that left his lips were only said in the heat of the moment.

So there you were. Sat on your couch, staring into space. You felt empty without Yuta there with you. You knew his schedule well and you were aware that he had a few days off. Those few days he planned to spend with you. Some friends invited you out, but you told them you didn't feel like it due to the current circumstances.

Your phone lit up the dark living room. It surprised you as the last time you had communicated with someone else apart from the walls of your apartment was your friends, last night. You picked up your phone and saw Johnny's name.

"Mind if I pick you up? I need to talk to you." You read out loud. Out of all the guys apart from Yuta, you were closest with Johnny so you trusted him to take you somewhere where you can forget about your worries for the night. You text back an affirmative and went to make yourself look half decent which included washing the tear stains off your cheeks.

Johnny arrived at around 7pm, ringing your doorbell. You opened it and greeted him as happily as you could but the lump in your throat didn't allow you to sound as friendly as you wanted.

"Aigoo." Johnny cooed, throwing his arms around you in a friendly hug. "Let's get you out of this apartment." He said, looking down at you. Taking a deep breath, you stepped out of the door.
Johnny didn't talk about Yuta on the car journey to wherever he was taking you. You were relived as you finally started to take your mind off of the whole situation.

He talked about a nice reataurant he went to with his mother, spoilers for their newest comeback and even planned to go somewhere during the week together. You were smiling for the first time in three days!

You smile dropped as soon as you saw where Johnny had taken you.
"I'm not going to your dorm." You said blankly.

" Yuta regrets everything he said. You need to go in a talk to him." You didn't know whether to believe him or not but after a deep sigh you opened the door and stepped out of the car.

The way up the stairs to their dorm seemed a longer trip than the last time you walked up them, but that was from the heavy weight you carried on your shoulders; your broken relationship.

Johnny et you in and walked quickly through the dorm, collecting Jisung the innocent maknae on the way. You were now in silence, just you and the guy on the couch. He looked like your boyfriend, but his cheeks were tear stained and he didn't look as hyper as he usually was. He turned to face you and that's when you broke.

He looked shocked and stood up quickly. He walked over to you and lightly grabbed your hand before pulling you into a hug. Once you both got comfortable he tightened the hug and within a second, it felt like nothing had changed.

"I'm sorry I didn't listen. I understand now that it wasn't your fault." He let you go from his arms, still keeping his hands on your waist.

"I'm sorry for shouting, I shouldn't ha-". He cut you off be connecting his lips to yours. "You have no need to apologise." He murmured against your lips, wiping the tears you had no idea you had released from your cheeks. "Let's forget this ever happened, I just want to get back to loving you." He smiled weakly and kissed the tip of your nose.

"Stay the night at my apartment?" You smiled back. He nodded and picked up his phone and keys. It definitely wasn't the end of your relationship.

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