CHAPTER 11-The Curatory

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I look at all these failed attempts and wonder, was I always this callous?

I think I should feel something other than pity.

LoG, 187

Wooden wheels of the carriage touched the ground and clouds of dust enveloped Nalina. She closed her eyes and coughed, fluttering left and right with her hands. Nalina was trying to eliminate nausea with which she fought in the air.

The flight had been short.

Nalina had struggled for most of her time to stay on the seat while her body was flying here and there on a wooden, plush coated bench. I wonder how all these people, lined up in front of The Curatory, would react if they saw me vomiting in this unladylike fashion.

She used the grey particles to shield herself. They created a hazy curtain between her and the crowd and Nalina manipulated that cover to smooth her hair.

At least I made it look less like a bird's nest. Judging by the stunned views of the lackeys and the mob, it didn't quite work.

Nalina staggered out of the carriage, trying with all the force she could muster to keep the content of her stomach where it belonged. She accepted the lackey's extended hand in what she hoped was a graceful manner. As soon as she stepped out, Grogmog pulled the wooden structure forward.

Nalina stared at the giant, transparent watery snake in astonishment, trying to understand what was going on and where it was headed. "Grogmog! No! Leave that rat alon ..." Nalina sighed.

The slippery serpent was already swinishly swallowing its prey.

"Those four rats from a while ago weren't enough for you, were they?" Nalina said, reconciling with the circumstances. Should I be disgusted? I can't hear a thing. The poor animal just disappeared in Grogmog's intestines ... Where did it go? He is transparent, and yet ...

Then Nalina realised she was standing idle in front of The Curatory while everyone was watching and waiting for her to enter the building. She coughed to hide her confusion and stepped forward to the entrance.

Sadly, first Nalina had to pass through a lanyard of four lackeys. They shouted her name out loud. People murmured and whispered, staring at her; as soon as she would reach them, they would feign respect and bow. Nalina tried not to notice this even though it hurt her.

I want to feel loved by my people. To feel accepted. I don't know what else I could do for them. I volunteer in The Curatory; I try to find the most diverse properties of plants and grass in The Omnibus ... It seems it's just not enough. People will always talk, like old Magda says.

The whirlwindy white building of The Curatory contributed even more to her sense of dizziness. On the outside, the edifice itself was impressive. It was reminiscent of The Whirlwind of The Fount but built of white stone.

The foundation began with the tiniest stone circle that was always turning around its axis. On it was the next stone circle, somewhat broader, then the next one, and so on to the very top. During The Dark, all Rings would descend to the same level, touching the ground.

That's such a neat trick! It's incredible how, once you get in, you don't even notice that Rings are moving and circling. It must be because The Mind and The Fount had an impact on the construction as it was the case with The Glass Dome. Perhaps it would be interesting to stand at the main entrance and quickly run in and out. Just to see how that would feel. Maybe not on this Light. There is a whirlwind swirling in my head and my stomach. That's enough twisting and turning, thank you very much.

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