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"Open up your books everybody, page 154. Read the whole chapter, quietly. Then start with the questions for the chapter, individually. Begin."

Ms. Jenkins is the oldest teacher here, always limping into the classroom complaining about how sore her hips are or how swollen her feet are. There's always something new. I suppose today she has a murderous headache, probably a hangover, hence to why she wants silence.

The classroom is furnished with desks placed two and two, rows of three pairs width wise and five pairs length wise. Of course, me and Paige are seated next to each other at the corner furthest away from the door, so the back right corner if you're standing in front of the class. Huge windows cover the wall my desk is pushed against. Rain is pouring down today, hitting the grass and trees aggressively.

My book is placed open in front of me but I can't find it in me to focus. The words just scramble together, creating a mess of sentences. I read without really reading. My eyes keep wandering to the window instead of the book. Some raindrops have hit the window, creating a spotty pattern. Some fall down, slowly rolling down the window until they fall to the ground. It's easier to focus on the raindrops' races than the book's boring facts.

Paige nudges my shoulder. I look over to her and she discreetly pushes a small note over to my desk. Sending a quick look at Ms. Jenkins, I read the note.

the two D's were sneaking around in the hallway earlier

I frown at first. The two D's? Who's that? Then it made sense. Desperate and Douche.

really? how'd you know?

She rolls her eyes and then glare at me. Then, she dives down to write an answer underneath mine on the same note.

i'm the secret agent in this duo, girl. just trust my word.

Leaving her be, I dive back into the boring book on my desk. Something boring about how the farming industry was in the 1800's. After two sentences, I lose focus. It's just hard to focus on something so... dull. By the front desk, Ms. Jenkins' head has become one with the book in front of her. 

I sigh loudly, putting my head in my hands, elbows resting on my desk. Let this day be over.

The hours idles past, every slow second brings my mood down. When I woke up this morning I knew it'd be a bad day, even though it started alright. I have these days once in a while, quite often actually, when everything just seems to be against me. Everything goes wrong and he's covering my mind. When the bell finally rings for the day, I've had more than enough. Throwing a quick goodbye to Paige, who'll be staying behind to speak with some teachers about whatever, I rush out of the building. My chest is clenching, heart racing. The walls are closing in. I have to get out. 

Once I reach the outside, I stop and breathe, heavily. Then, I start walking again. Why did you have to die? 

The second I get home, I walk up to my room and open up my laptop. Clicking on images, I scroll back until earlier this year. Pictures of Paige, me, some homework, more Paige, and Gabriel. Suddenly, my whole computer is filled with pictures of him. I realise it was the day that Gabriel took my phone and filled it with selfies of himself. At first, I was going to delete them all because there was just too many, but I didn't. 

"Hey, where's my phone?" , I asked, looking around on the table we're seated at in the library. 

"Where you last put it maybe?", Paige answered with a smirk and I rolled my eyes.

"And where did Gabriel go? Wasn't he- Oh no." A lightbulb went off inside my head. "He took my phone and ran off, didn't he?"

Paige shrugged but her face told me that she knew. 

"That son of a bitch."

After a few minutes, Gabriel casually walked back to us with a smug look on his face. I glared at him as he sat down and continued to stare at him as he opened up his books again. Seconds later, his eyes met mine. A mischievous look covered his face. 


"Give me my phone, Gabriel", I told him, holding my hand out.

"I don't know what you're talking about", he said innocently.

"Seriously though, I need it."

"Can't help you, sorry."


He sighed. "Alright, alright. Fine."

He put my phone into my palm and without thanking him, I unlocked it and tried to figure out what he had done. When I clicked on images, I groaned loudly. Hundreds of thousands of selfies of him. Some more pretty than others. Gabriel just laughed, leaning his head back. 

"I thought you needed some more of this deliciousness in your life."

I shake my head, returning to reality. A tear lands on my thigh. Why did you have to die?


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