v. 🌳 a n d t h a t ' s

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after i got home and got settled in bed that night, i pulled tyler's number out of my journal and added him as a contact before creating a new message.

me: hi Tyler, this is y/n

i clicked my phone off and seconds later, i got a notification. i picked it back up and saw a message form tyler. i smiled at how quickly he responded.

Tyler: Hi y/n, how are you feeling?

you: much better now, thank you for meeting me

Tyler: Good, well, you've had a long day, you should get some sleep. I'll talk to you soon, goodnight y/n.

i smiled again for what seemed like the 100th time that night and quickly texted back

you: goodnight Tyler.

both y/n and tyler plugged their phones in to charge on their bedside table and cuddled up beneath the covers of their beds, sleeping much better than they had in a long time, knowing that they had each other to look forward to in the coming days.

~the next evening~

stowed under my arms was a bag of carrots and my journal as i picked my way down the trail to my spot in the trees. when i got to the clearing, i stopped and drew in a deep breath, taking in the scent of damp grass and flowers.

i walked over to the car and climbed onto the roof as i did every day and opened the bag of carrots, in hopes that the little fawn that i decided to call Baymax would come out. i dangled my feet over the side of the roof and leaned back, staring up at the sky, watching the sun start to set and smiled. i closed my eyes and hummed happily, thinking about the note i wanted to leave for tyler today.

i heard a twig snap and leaves rustle and opened my eyes. i pushed myself up and looked around, i saw leaves moving on the other side of the small clearing and soon, Baymax stepped out from behind them. he looked around and trotted over to me as i reached next to me and grabbed a long carrot. when he reached me, he smelled my shoes and nuzzled my knee, before standing on his back legs, front legs propped up between mine on the side of the car, and nudged my hand. i chuckled and held the carrot out for him to nibble on. he took large bites out of it and i enjoyed the company, the clearing filled with the noises of the little fawn chewing on the carrot. after he finished the carrot, he pawed at the long grass growing around the car and laid down beneath my feet, my heart warm as he nibbled on some of the grass.

i sighed and opened my journal, pulling the pen out from behind my ear, and i started writing.


I owe you my life. Without you, I wouldn't be here today. I am beyond words grateful for you, and I wouldn't have made it through the night if we hadn't met yesterday. Thank you, so so so so so much, you can never understand how much this means to me.

Here's a carrot for Baymax, the fawn. Hopefully he's still here when you get here.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart Tyler, and I hope I can call you a friend.


my eyes swelled with tears of happiness as i wrote it and a few splattered onto the page, the ink smearing a bit, but at this point, i knew neither tyler nor i would care. i smiled and sighed as i ripped the note out of my journal and leaned down, placing it under the windshield wiper like i always did, as well as setting a carrot in front of it. i hopped off the top of the car and landed next to the little fawn by my feet.

i crouched down next to his head and gave him a little pat, "be good for tyler Baymax." i said and stood up, making my way over to the trail, just as i heard leaves rustling. when i made around the car and was about to step onto it, tyler popped out of the leaves. i looked up at him and smiled. (why am i smiling so much help me) tyler smiled back, "hi y/n" he said and i said my hello back.

and that was all that came of that exchange. neither y/n or tyler needed anything more than the hello. they were both reassured that they hadnt lost one another, but they both wanted more, craved more, than a hello. they both wanted to sit and talk for hours, they both had that feeling in their chests when they saw each other, the one that made them dizzy.

but neither of them were brave enough to accept it and act on it, a skinny love one could call it. not the unhealthy kind.

with a hearts on fire, y/n made her way home, a smile plastered on her face, and tyler tightened his grip on his journal as he walked into the clearing, jumping a bit when he saw Baymax curled up next to the car.

he looked to the windshield wiper and saw a note and a carrot. he picked them both up and opened the note, his eyes scanning across the tear stained page. if it was possible for his cheeks to get any redder, they certainly did then. he squatted down next to Baymax and held the carrot out for him, smiling as the little fawn lifted his head and grabbed it from his hand. he carefully stroked his head before he climbed atop the worn down car and opened his notebook.

y/n. I owe you my life too. I guess our debts to each other cancel out? Thank you so much for being okay, and yes, you can call me a friend. I'll always be here for you. I'm just one call away. If you ever need me, I'll be by your side as fast as I can get to you.


and with that, tyler hopped off of the car, patting Baymax one more time, and put his note under the windshield wiper before tucking y/n's note in his pocket and walking out of the trees.

Trees // Tyler Joseph x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now