xiv. 🌳 i n t h e t r e e s

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i am well aware that i used this song for my last chapter of drown, but  dont care, leave me alone.

after tyler got y/n out of the bath, he nestled her in bed, got her her medicine, and sat with her until she fell asleep, writing out a letter for her. once he was positive she was out, he grabbed timmy, put him next to her and watched him curl up, then snuck out of the room.

i tiptoed down the hall and down the stairs, he heard josh. 

"josh," he said, josh's head snapped up. "dude, you're still here?"

"yeah, we have to talk."


we agreed that josh would move into my apartment, and i would stay with y/n. "i'm sorry all this happened."

"you dont need to apologize, i shouldnt have left," he said with a sigh.

"nothing's bad between us?"


they hugged quickly, "i'm heading out to the woods, then i'm gonna go grab my clothes, i dont have much, it wont take long. can you keep an eye on her please?" tyler asked as he tugged on his winter coat. "of course," josh said with sad eyes, he smiled a small smile and turned out of the kitchen, walking up the stair, and making his way to y/n's room, taking a seat on the chait in front of her bed.


tyler pulled his pickup into the parking lot, keeping it running as he read over the note,


God, you scared me so much this past week.

You didn't talk to me for five days. You stopped taking you medicine. You stopped functioning. I was so scared. I thought something was seriously wrong. When you told me what happened as if it was the end of all things, my heart shattered. Y/n, you should know better by now, there is very little that would keep me away from you. I couldn't leave you.

You were so guilty, just the thought of you hurting me shut your brain down. You mean so much to me, everything could have been so much worse.

You asked me to get in the bath with you. At first i was unsure, but then I realized that I would fucking die for you, getting in the bathtub was the least I could do. I would do it again and again and again and again, just to hold you close like that, sing songs to you until you fall asleep.

Seeing you so frail, again scared me. I never want it to happen again, but i know how life and depression works, but next time, I hope I made it clear that you can come to me for anything. It's okay if you made a mistake, I would rather us argue for a little bit than you crash like you did this week. 

Something else happened. I said that I love you, for some reason I wasn't scared of what the outcome of that would be. I think it was because of everything you told me earlier today, and how you acted. This was tearing you apart, eating you alive, slowly killing you even. That made me realize how much I love you, and how much you love me, and how it would kill me to lose you.

I could never lose you. I don't know what I would do without you. But if you didn't need me anymore, if someone else made you happier, I would gladly let you go. Your happiness is what matters the most to me. 

Y/n, you make me happy. I feel what you feel, and I want it to be forever. I wouldn't it any other way.

I'm writing this while you're sleeping. It's the first time I've seen you sleep this sound. Oh how much I want to hold you tight and never let go, but I need to write this to you, I need to get this to you.

I'm going to talk to Josh, I think what I've come up with is reasonable. He'll move into my apartment, and I'll stay with you. It's not that I don't trust either of you, i just want to always be here for you. I don't want this to happen again.

Don't ever forget that I love you, because I do, so much. So so much.

~Tyler R. Joseph

24 January, 2018.

tyler smiled as he finished reading his note and turned his truck off. he climbed out and hurried down the trail, smiling as he arrived at the mossy old car. he opened the front door and fished the other notes he wrote out from under the front seat, folding him all together, and putting them back, then grabbing a few carrots from the bag that he and y/n kept there, putting them in the middle of the clearing for baymax, then closed the door and hurried back.

it didnt take long for him to grab everything he needed form his apartment, and soon he was back at y/n's house. he dragged his suitcases upstairs and dropped them outside y/n's door, opening it up and shoving them in. "thanks josh," he said with a small smile when he saw the man sitting across from the bed listening to music.

"of course tyler, i'll start packing now."

"take your time, there's no rush. once my lease is up, you can have the apartment under your name, it's nearly the end of the term." tyler said as he kicked his shoes off. "you can stay here for as long as you need." 

"thanks man."

"of course, but i would leave the drums here. i have to go back for my keyboard and all the other stuff, i got the essentials for now."

"okay, you look like hell, you should sleep," josh said, patting his back and walking out of the room, Jim was sitting by his feet before and was now running out of the room behind him

tyler smiled to himself as he looked over at y/n, before climbing into bed beside her. she quickly latched on to him and buried her head in the front of his shirt. tyler kissed her on the top of the head. "i love you, sleep well."

Trees // Tyler Joseph x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now