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Alesha’s POV;

I can’t believe how amazing my first week at Penola was! The classes weren’t too boring and I have made great new friends! The boys are so nice to me, they made me feel welcome and happy. I think I might tell them the real reason why I am there. I have only known them a week and I already feel like I can trust them.

“Hey Leeshaaa!” Skip shouted across the canteen. I turned to see him and laughed. A few girls have been giving me evils all week, but I didn’t care. Can’t say I blame them. Skip was hilarious. And hot!

“Good afternoon Daniel.” I said in a posh voice

“Ughh, don’t turn all private school-ish on me!” he complained “I like you the way you are!” he put an arm around my shoulder and squeezed me tight. I smiled into his chest.

“Okay, trying to eat here! Quit with the public displays of affection!” Jai whinged as he walked over with his lunch.

“Your just jealous Jai, grow up!” I laughed

“Excuse me” he said standing up “I am grown up, have you seen all this?” he posed and spun in a circle. Me and Skip laughed.

“Sit down you fag, before people think we are with you” Skip joked

“You are lucky to be seen with me” he said “ I am the hotter twin after all…”

“Ha! You wish slut!” Luke walked up behind us and sat down.

“How about I say you are as equally hot as each other and we leave it at that?” I asked. Luke and Jai gave me a cheeky look.

“So…” Luke said

“You think were hot do you?” Jai asked. I felt myself blushing. I looked at the table. I couldn’t help but laugh. Skip squeezed my shoulder again and James walked over.

“Thanks for waiting for me bitches!” he said to Luke and Jai

“It’s not my fault you got caught watching a porno in chemistry!” Jai said whilst laughing.

“Yes it is!” James shouted “Why the fuck do you still have that on your iPod anyway?”

“Isn’t it obvious?” I laughed

“Yeah I hear that every night and then my bunk starts shaking!” Luke added.

We were all in stitches whilst Jai went red.

“Maybe you were right Jai, you are grown up!” I laughed “So how much trouble you in then James?”

“Hour detention today after school. Thanks fag.” He said hitting Jai on the back.

“No problem mate, don’t mention it.” Jai answered

Jai’s POV;

Finally! Last lesson on Friday! Me and Alesha were sat in Music bored out of our wits. I whispered to Alesha;

“Hey, the boys our staying over mine tonight, you wanna come?” I asked her

“Yeah sounds good, what time?”

“Uhh, Beau’s picking us up after school, he can drop you home and we can wait for you while you pack some stuff, if you like?”

She smiled, “Cool, can’t wait!”


“Sup faggaats!” Beau shouted across the car park

“Sup sluttt!” Skip shouted back as he jumped in the front seat “Beau this is Alesha, Alesha this is Luke and Jai’s bitch of an older brother, Beau.” I laughed

“Hey Beau” I said

“Hey, you coming to ours tonight?” he asked me

“Yeah she is!” Jai shouted, sounding happy

“Bit over excited there bro” Luke said

“Where’s James?” Beau asked, Jai just started laughing

“He got caught watching porn in chemistry” Skip answered

“What the fuck?” Beau said laughing

“No need to thank me” Jai said as Beau began driving. I was sat in the back between Luke and Jai who thought it would be funny to try and squish me between them.

I directed Beau to my house and he pulled up outside the drive.

“You want us to wait here?” Luke asked

“Umm, it would probably be best” I said honestly

“Okay, but you have to climb over to get out” Luke said cheekily sitting back. I rolled my eyes and crawled my way out of the car over Luke.

I put the key in the lock and walked into my new house.

“Mum, I’m home!” I called

“I know you are, I seen you get out of that car full of hooligans!” she exclaimed

“They’re my friends mum! They’re not bad people! They’re the only people in that school that make me feel like I belong there!”

“How could you change so much? I should never of sent you to public school!”

“Well I think it’s the best thing that’s happened to me in a long time” I said calmly “I’m happy mum, I wasn’t before but I am now.”

She sighed, “Okay. But I will be keeping an eye on you.” She said, I smiled at her. “So where are you going tonight then? I see they aren’t leaving.” She pointed at the sliver car outside, I completely forgot they were waiting for me.

“Oh! I’m staying round Luke, Jai and  Beau’s” I answered

“Just you?” she asked

“No, Skip and James as well” I answered again. I think she was hoping for more girls to be going.

“Okay, have fun. Be careful!” she said as I ran upstairs. I wasn’t expecting her to agree so I was quite surprised. Be careful? What did she think I was doing with these boys? I laughed to myself as I quickly threw some clothes into my bag and ran down the stairs.

“Bye mum” I yelled

“Bye Alesha! Have fun!” she called out the door as I climbed back into the car.

“Took your time” Skip said

“Well I had to talk my mum around but she’s cool now so I guess we’re okay!” I said happily. We drove about five minutes down the road and arrived at the Brooks’ house. I could already tell this was going to be a fun night…


A/N; sorry this chapters really boring, i promise it will get better i have loads of ideas for it!!

Just to mention, Skip is in the same year as Luke, Jai and James and goes to Penola.

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Skip, My Sister & Me; a Daniel Sahyounie Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now