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Alesha’s POV;

Aunt Helen stormed through the living room like a little child, barging through the middle of me and Skip and out the front door. She started up the engine of her car and drove off. Me, Mum, Christina and Skip stood in silence for a few minutes, trying to take in what had just happened.

“Well” Christina said sadly. We all looked at her upset face; “Guess I’m stuck here then…” she said smiling. We all laughed.

“Will she really make you move?” Skip asked around, really worried

“No” Dianna said sternly. “I won’t let her.” Both me and Skip let out a sigh of relief.

“Aww, would you’ve missed me?” I teased Skip putting on a sad face.

“Yes I damn would have!” Skip said pulling towards his chest, kissing the top of my head.


“Shut up Christina” I said laughing, playfully hitting her arm.

“Well Christina, it looks like you’re going to have to stay here for a while” my mum said smiling.

“Yay!” Christina and me always loved sleepovers when we were younger.

“Skip would you like to stay the night?” mum asked him.

“Um, yeah that would be great, if that’s not too much trouble”

“Of course not! You’re welcome here anytime Skip. You too Christina.” The three of us smiled at mum. “Well I have to go to work now, don’t stay up too late, you two have school in the morning!” mum pointed at me and Skip.

“Don’t worry Auntie Dianna” Christina said “I’ll keep an eye on them, y’know, make sure they don’t get up to anything…” she started smirking at her own joke and me and Skip just looked down. Mum laughed.

“Well as I don’t have to hear it, do what you like! Bye!” mum said laughing as she walked out the door. Skip and Christina laughed, I stood there speechless.

“I can’t believe she just said that.” I said plainly. We all laughed again.

Christina’s POV;

“How about we all go down to maccas and get dinner, then go to the shop round the corner and get some food for later?” I asked

“Yeah sounds good, we can go down to blockbusters and get some movies” Skip said, excited

“Yeah that sounds good” I answered.

Skip waited downstairs while me and Alesha went upstairs to get changed into something normal. My mum always told me to wear something ‘respectable and appropriate’. I had a massive stash of clothes in Alesha’s wardrobe that I always wore when I stayed here. The clothes were a few years old since I hadn’t stayed here in a while but they were better than the posh, fancy shit I was wearing now! I walked into Alesha’s small walk-in wardrobe and chose some clothes from one of the rails.

“Hey Skip” Alesha called down the stairs


“Call the rest of the boys and ask them if they want to stay round tonight, mum won’t mind. Ask Sarah if she wants to come to.”


Alesha’s POV;

I walked back into my room to find Christina in my wardrobe smiling like an idiot, to herself!

“Excited about meeting the Janoskians?” I put on a fan girl voice

“Just slightly” she said trying to hold back an epic retarded fit of excitement.

“Luke and Jai are at the food court now and James and Sarah are gonna meet us there” Skip shouted up

“Okay, what about Beau?”

“He’s working, he says he’ll come over tonight.”


“So I have to wait all the way through this evening til I meet Beau?” Christina sounded disappointed

“Yeah, yeah life’s a bitch. He’s not that amazing anyway”

Christina’s mouth fell open “Ha ha, you’re FUCKING HILLARIOUS!”

“Who’s fucking hilarious?” Skip asked walking through the door

“Me apparently, don’t you knock?” I asked when I realised I was stood in the middle of the room in my bra;

“Nope” Skip smirked and fell onto my bed.

“Come on lets go!” Christina said

“Well, someone’s excited to meet a couple of faggots!” Skip laughed

“The only one that’s a faggot round here is you Skip so shut up and lets go!”

“Ouch” Skip said sarcastically, I laughed. “Nice to know I have you to back me up Leesh.”

“Oh stop being a baby! Lets go before she practically pushes me down the stairs and drags me down to maccas by my hair.”

Christina’s POV;

It felt so good to ride my old penny again. I left it at Alesha’s because my mum would flip at me if she saw me with it

“Why would your mum kill you if she saw you on a penny?” Skip asked, he practically read my mind

“Have you met my mother? She would kill me if I rode anything!” I laughed to Skip.

I picked up my penny as we got to the door of maccas.

“Sup fags!” I heard someone shout across the restaurant. Luke Brooks. Fuck.

Skip, My Sister & Me; a Daniel Sahyounie Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now