All my love

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All my love went to you
All my hope
All my dreams
For a little while you cared for it
Treated it like a child
But the child grew up
The child was no longer cared for
The child was my love
The child was the one thing not broken by my past
The one thing I had for people
And i gave you it all
I gave you all of my child
Not just parts and pieces
I gave you what I had left
You cared for it and tried to fix it
Then realized there was no fixing it
It was forever broken or so you thought
Only fixed by one thing
True Love
It was me
I was it
I was what was left of the child 
the parts and pieces that you left behind
The ones I couldn't replace
Every person has taken a piece
But you took them all
You tried to fix me with what love you could give me
It was enough but the time was not
You took only the pieces that were replaceable only by love
But without them i could not love

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