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She was unknown by the world
Unknown by her friends
Unknown by everyone
They saw her
They talked to her
But they didn't know her
They didn't know the girl
That wanted to die
That didn't see a reason to live
That wore long sleeves to cover her scars
After awhile of checking her wrists
The cuts faded away
They always checked her wrists
But what about her thighs
What about her hips
The girl no one saw was abused
The girl no one knew was hurt
The girl that no one knew was gone
Lost in her misery
Lost in the darkness of the hurt
Lost in her thoughts
The cuts got deeper
The thoughts got stronger
"She should kill herself"
They said over and over and over
She got overwhelmed
She got lost
She dissipated
How you say?
But she was happy
But she was pretty
But she was smart
But she was DEAD

Some people rejoiced
Most died a thousand deaths trying to figure out what happened

But she was happy
But she was pretty
But she was smart
But she was DEAD

The one person that she thought cared
She left this note:
I love you Bear
You are my everything
I'm sorry
I know you won't forgive me
But I love you
-Baby Girl

The note she left
The only thing left

But who is unknown?

I am unknown
Unknown is I
I am the unknown
The failed experiment
The failure
I will soon be dead at the hands of rope
My only savior
Swinging from my favorite tree
The noose is tied
The location is picked
All that's left to do is jump

But wait
What about Bonnie
What about Luke
What about Matthew
What about Daniel
What about Emily
What about Meghan
What about Callie
What about Cameron

Who would be left to love them
Who would be left to be loved by them
Who would be left to be with them

No one
They would all die slowly and painfully
All asking the same question


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2017 ⏰

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