Chapter Twenty One

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Chapter Twenty One

Destiny leans against her car as Michael Waltrip walks by. He goes over to Brad and interviews him. Fans start to pile into the stands after Nickle back played a few songs. Destiny leans against the car where the window is. She sees Dino walking down pit road to go to his car. She stares him down until he stops and looks at her.

" What."

Dino says as he walks over to her. Destiny's arms are still crossed.

" Oh nothing Martinez."

She says. Then she grins. He gives her a look then shakes his head.

" I don't have time for this. I'm racing for a championship and a win."

He says then he starts to walk away. Destiny grabs his left shoulder and spins him around. She corners him against her own car. Her right hand wrapped around his neck.

" You will leave my friends alone. You will not touch my teammates cars. Dino Martinez. If you have an issue with me. Then take it up with me."

She gives him a look then backs off letting go of him. He coughs while rubbing his throat. Then he gives her a look.

" At least I didn't use my sibling to get into NASCAR."

He says then he takes off running. Destiny's hand turns into a fist and she punches the side of her car hard. Actually putting a dent in the "8" of her "84". Then she sinks down to the ground leaning against the car. Her hands over her face. Hiding the tears from the media. Her hand throbs from hitting the car. It swells greatly as the bruise starts to form.

" Destiny?"

She hears over all the noise. She hears her name being called over the loud noise of the fans screaming. The impact guns going. And all the media.

" Des? Are you alright? It's me Kasey."

She slowly lifts her head. Kasey's deep blue eyes looking at her concerned.

" I'm... I'm fine. Just got something in my eye."

She says trying to hide her teary red eyes. Kasey reaches out and pulls her hands away from her face. Her tears slowly fall.

" What happened?"

Kasey asks as he sees the fresh bruise on her hand. She tries to push him away but he fights her defensive walls and breaks through.

" I just want to drive Kasey. I do not want to talk about it."

Destiny says. She then wipes away the tears and pulls her self up as she sees Case walking over. She gets up and looks down the line of cars. Her heart hurting because she feels so alone. Her boyfriend went off for almost a year to the military. And she has not seen her mother in years. Her father lives in Georgia now. All she had now is Chase and her teammates. No matter how many times she told herself that though her stubborn mind would still push everyone away.

" Destiny please."

Kasey says. Case comes over and sees Destiny upset.

" I just. I'm dealing with flash backs ok? When I get out there and race I'm sure I'll be fine."

She says. As soon as Kasey was about to argue back the pre race ceremonies start. Destiny stands with her car and her team lined up next to her. Kasey on her left. His left arm wrapped in a sling from the accident at Daytona.

" Ladies and Gentlemen, please rise and remove your hats as the Arizona air force presents our nations colors."

Row by row, fan by fan, everyone rises and salutes to the flag that is down in the infield. As the anthem is played six World War I planes fly over. The crowd screams with joy.

The drivers start to load into their cars and ready themselves for their long haul. Destiny climbs into her car and slides her helmet on. Then her gloves. Case hooks up the hoses to her helmet and then straps her down into the seat.

" Good luck out their tonight."

Case says. Destiny rolls her eyes.

" Whatever.."

She says as case puts the window net up. He gives her a look. Then he looks at the others who are giving the car one last check.

" Now for the most famous words in Motorsports! GENTLEMEN START YOUR ENGINES!"

(Authors note: hay guys sorry for not updating that much. Iv been busy with work lately. That and I have my xbox... GTA V is very addictive. Anyways I know it's short but I hope you enjoy! Oh and HAPPY EASTER!)

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