Chapter 5

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Well this is a special update on a special day for a special guy ;)

Oh and there's a important authors note at the end

Okay I'm done you can enjoy now.


As I walked around the corner to Blake Street,I get a phone call.


Hi, is this Samantha?

Yes it is. How can I help you?

I was just calling to tell you that your prescription is ready.

Oh okay. Thank you so much.

No problem. You can swing by and pick it up anytime.

The person hung up the phone before I could say anything. I put my phone in my pocket and walked into the tavern. I walk towards the bar area and immediately hear talking.

"Fuck man. I wish I'd know...I wouldn't have pushed the subject." I recognize it as Colson's voice.

"I don't think she's really told anyone…I never really talked to her again...I was an asshole then." Ezra. That means he told Colson what happened. Ugh this is what I get when I don't take my pills in the morning. Fuck my life. I walked to one of the empty bar stools furthest away from the boys but still able to hear the conversation.

"I better go find her before she does something stupid." Does Colson really think I do stupid stuff? Has he seen the stuff he's done lately? Of course not.

"Yeah it's probably best if you do. I think she hates me."

"Nah she seemed to not hate you at all."

I get up and walk to them. "Can we leave now? Or at least give me the keys cause I need to go. Now." They both stare at me and Colson looks at the empty glass in front of him.

"You should probably drive." He hands me the keys and gets up from where he was seated. "I'll talk to you later Ezra."

"Fine by me." He waves and we walk out the door.

"What was that all about?"

"What was what about?" 

I roll my eyes and look at him. "Really? I thought you hated Ezra."

"I-I don't. I never did."

"Whatever." I put the top down and turn on Pandora and create an 'emo' radio station. What? Don't judge my amazing taste in music. Forever and Always by Parachute floods the speakers, I sing along as I pull out of the parking lot.

She's sitting at the table, the hours get later

He was supposed to be here

She's sure he would have called

She waits a little longer, there's no one in the driveway

No one's said they've seen him

Why, is something wrong?

She looks back to the window

Suddenly the phone rings

A voice says something's happened

That she should come right now

Her mind goes to December

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