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I laughed as my best friend put cake on my nose. It was my sixth birthday today and it was perfect. We were in the Alpha house, surrounded by my friends and family from around the pack. And a few of my fathers friends from the other packs that I have met before. 

My friend Adrian and I sat at the table with a big cake in front of us, if we should be trusted alone with a cake at this age was debatable. I followed suit with him and pressed the cake against Adrian's cheek, laughing as the blue and green frosting stuck there. Anything could be found entertaining to you at the age of six.

My mom and dad wanted over to the table, my mother carrying my younger brother Kyle on her hip. "Look at you two!" She said shaking her head, as she would grab a napkin and whip the frosting off of my nose, then off Adrian's cheek. 

"Sorry Luna!" Adrian said as he would hold up his hands, looking at my mom. My dad would chuckle. Adrian had always been afraid of my parents, I didn't know why. They may have been the Alpha and Luna but they were nice. And nice to Adrian since we had been attached at the hip since we were born basically. 

Adrian's father was the beta of the pack, so my father and his were always close friends, my mom got pregnant almost the exact same time as his. Though he is older by one month because I "wasn't ready" according to my mother when she told me about it, I asked about a year ago why Adrian and I didn't have the same birthday if they had us in there tummies around the same time. 

Looking at the cake as he walked over Beta Kellin would shake his head at his boy. "Oh Adrian, you made a mess of the future Luna's cake." He said with a small chuckle. "Though, I don't think she cares since she did more to you." He added looking at the cake that was on Adrian's shirt, my mom must have missed that. 

I would look at my mom and little brother. "Mama can we light the candles?" I asked happily, I wanted to get cake over with so we could get to presents. Presents were going to be the best! I picked out some of the ones my mama and daddy got for me, the rest were a surprise. "Please mama!" I begged when she didn't answer my question, she had a smile on her face so I thought she was just teasing me. Meanie.

She would nod to my father, and he would leave for a moment returning with a blue lighter that they kept in the kitchen. When the candles were lite everyone started singing happy birthday, finally I was able to blow out the candles. I blew out the candles, taking a moment to make a wish. I wished for Adrian and I to be friends forever, and that someday I would be a Luna, and he would be my Alpha, a typical wish for someone my age.

When everyone finished eating we moved onto presents, which I was super happy for. My mom places one down in front of me, this one is from my grandparents. It has blue wrapping paper with party hats on it, with a shiny bow to top it all off. I opened the gift, ripping all the paper off and making a mess that my mother soon cleaned up and put into a garbage beg beside her. 

There was a white box in the inside, a big one. Taking the lid off the box I soon find that there is a blanket on the inside, with a princess on it. I didn't know which princess because I don't have the best memory. She was pretty though. I looked at my grandmother and grandfather for a moment and my grandmother spoke up. "That's Cinderella my dear." She said with a small chuckle. Oh! That was her name. I remember now.

I got up from my spot and walked over to my grandparents and hugged them both, thanking them. I loved the blanket, it was fluffy. Next I was handed a present from someone I didn't know well, it was a friend of my fathers. Another Alpha I think. I opened that, said my thanks and continued on. After many more presents from random people and a lot of thank yous I ended up on Adrian's present. Looking up at him I would speak. "You wrapped this didn't you?" I asked with a giggle, it wasn't the best wrapping but he tried and that all that mattered. 

"Yep!" He said proudly, clearly urging me to open it. I carefully peal away the paper, and see a small box that is long and skinny. "I picked it out! I hope you like it." He added before I opened the box. 

I opened the box and I see a necklace, with a ruby on it, my mama said that color was my birth stone. Next to it was another stone, it was a light purple color. It was a very pretty necklace. "That's my-" Adrian's words were cut off by a scream. 

"Get down!" An alpha in the distance said, we all dropped to the floor, I hear gun shots and screaming. I soon here a growl erupt from my fathers mouth as he changed into wolf form. I found him standing over me and Adrian, baring his fangs at a man with a gun. He had the scent of a werewolf to. 

My mom was on the ground with my little brother, under her. "Kaitlynn." My mother said, speaking my name very seriously. "I know you can't shift yet, but you have training. You can survive. Find a way. Find a pack you can trust. You need to take your brother and get out of here." She said, I looked down and seen a pool of blood beginning to form around my mother. Was she hit? "Kat! Focus!" She growled, that got my attention, she never growled. "Take your brother, Adrian and run." 

This time I obeyed. And it was a good thing I moved from out from under my father because just as Adrian and I finally moved the man with a gun turned and jumped at my father. The mans wolf was bigger then his. Much bigger. How was he that big? It wasn't normal. Focus Kat! I growled at myself. I grabbed my brother in my arms and with the wolves detracted Adrian, Kyle and I got to the door. When we were at the door we ran. And I mean. Ran. 


Hope you are hooked and interested in reading more. I've been working on this book for a while. Enjoy.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2020 ⏰

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