Day of the Ball Part 3

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~The Grill~

Alexandria's POV

Elena is with Caroline. I start to listen in on the conversation as they both haven't noticed me yet.

"It's all so weird. The Originals are throwing a ball. Like an actual ball." Elena say skeptically

"It's some twisted Cinderella fetish is what it is. My guess is that it's that bitch of a wife. And why does the Evil Witch want an audience with you?" Caroline replies jealously

"I have no idea. There's only one way to find out." Elena replies as she shakes her head

" I thought you told Damon and Stefan that you weren't going." Caroline asks

'Of course she did' I thought as I roll my eyes.

"I did, which is all the more reason why I need a drama free bodyguard." Elena replied pointedly at Caroline

My ears picked up on a familiar voice. I wait until the person is directly behind me and then turned around to the sight of Rebekah in the midst of trying to scare me.

"Hey, Bex. Stalking me again?" I say with a smirk as I see Bekah has a hand over her heart in surprise.

"Alexandria. You scared me, how is that even possible I was trying to scare you. Anyway what's are up to sis?" Rebekah replies after she recovers from her shock.

I chuckled and then replied, " Just having a nice lunch and seeing what the little 'Scooby Gang' thinks about your mother's ball idea."

We both tuned in to Elena and Caroline's conversation.

" Well, I think a Salvatore would look a lot better in a tux. And by that I mean Stefan." Caroline tells Her pointedly

"Uhh, I can't deal with either of the Salvatores right now. Whatever Stefan is feeling, he is channeling it all against Klaus. And's just not a good idea." Elena replies with a sigh.

"Why, cause you two made out? Bonnie spilled the beans." Caroline questions her.

Elena sighs before she replies "I was gonna tell you. Just, after everything happened with your dad...."

Both Rebekah and I scoff and roll our eyes

"Elena, when you and Matt kissed for the first time freshman year, you called me the second it happened. And now I don't hear about this until now, and from somebody else." Caroline replies kinda pissed off.

"I'm sorry. It's just I, I don't even know how I feel about it yet. All I do know is that it just used to be so much easier" Elena answers.

We silently look at each other and with the slightest nod of my head we walk up to them

"Careful Caroline. It's all well and good until she stabs you in the back" Rebekah says with a slight drawl.

"What are you doing here? I know your mom's rules. No hurting the locals." Elena tries to reprimand us

"Get over yourself Elena. It's not all about you."Rebekah replies then walks away over to Matt and gives him an invitation envelope to the ball.

"Rebekah replies then walks away over to Matt and gives him an invitation envelope to the ball

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"Oh my god. She's inviting him to the ball. Why is she inviting him?" Caroline asked jealously

"Probably to get this reaction from us." Elena replies thinking that it's all about them.

" And as for Esther's rule of no hurting the locals, that doesn't apply to me." I say turning their attention back to me.

"Therefore if you so much as try to come against my family, that will the last thing you ever do right after I make you watch everyone you've ever met die. And we wouldn't want that precious little family of yours to get hurt. Now would we?" I continued as there are flames dancing in my eyes and my eyebrow arched and a devilish smirk on my face.

I then walk away, only to hear Caroline scoff and then say "What time is this stupid dance?" 

I half smile as I walked out and hatched a plan in my head. 

The Original Wife:Mrs. Alexandria Mikaelson✔️Where stories live. Discover now