Chapter 10

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"Amelia, what did I tell ye the first day we met?"
"To 'git on the horse-'"
"Damn it, Amelia! Do ye want to end up dead?"
"You told me to not mess with Mr Lancaster," I said with downcast eyes. I didn't expect Connor to scold me like this. I felt ashamed because he had to talk so strictly.
Connor lightly held my chin and tilted my head up. I still tried to avoid eye contact, but he wouldn't let me.
"No, ye need to look at me. I'm doin' this because I don't want 'im to kill ye."
"Would he actually...?"
"Aye. 'E 'as before. And attempted another time. Of course it was never 'im killin'. There are people who do that for 'im."
"E's dangerous, lass, don't cross 'im wrong."
"But he crossed me wrong," I commented to the side.
Slightly laughing, Connor shook his head.
I was still charmed by Connor's smile. That was when I realized how close we were. Alone, door closed, in a bedroom... Part of me felt nervous, but the more logical part of me knew nothing would happen.
Wordlessly, Connor pulled me into a hug. My arms encircled his waist and he rested his chin on top of my head. I didn't know why, but I loved that little thing he did.
It definitely improved the quality of a hug.

Mr Lancaster is a businessman, surely he should also know what "good quality" means.

Of course, that thought lead me to also think:

Why am I thinking about Mr Lancaster right now? Sure, I've admitted he's good looking, but that's the only compliment he'll get from me!

I realized that I just loved annoying him. It was interesting to see how I could affect other people.
He pulled slightly away from me, making me groan in protest. Connor lightly chuckled.
"Miss Amy-"
"I've told you already that you don't need to say 'Miss,' Connor."
"Alright... Amy... I was just wonderin' if..." His face turned red.

Connor? Blushing?

"Is something wrong?"
"Nay, i-it's just..."
"Could I kiss ye?"
My face turned red too, but I nodded. Connor placed his hands on my waist and pulled me closer. Removing one hand, he held me behind my neck.
His lips were so soft and gentle... This Connor wasn't anything like the Connor I saw at the brothel.
Thinking of Connor at the brothel made me wonder where else his mouth had been, but frankly, I was enjoying the kiss too much to care.
With each passing moment, Connor held me a little tighter and a little closer. I didn't even realize I was holding fistfulls of his hair until I started tugging on it. Connor let a deep, raspy groan escape his throat on accident.
Suddenly, the boat lurched beneath our feet, causing us to be thrown to the floor. I feel on my backside, hard, and Connor landed on top of me.
"Oof! Get off me!" I somehow said, since the wind was knocked out of me.
"Ye didn't care the last time we were like this, Amy." Connor added a playful wink. I could only roll my eyes and attempt to stand up.
Except Connor wouldn't let me up.
"You giant baffoon!" I shrieked, mostly in jest.
Connor pretended to attempt to stand back up again, but he kept collapsing on top of me. He was very gentle though. Connor didn't even accidentally hurt me.
We were so caught up in our silly little game, we didn't notice the door open.
"Resting, Connor? Miss Hemmings? Is this what you two would consider resting?"
Mr Lancaster absorbed the light-hearted atomsphere in seconds.
"Yes, I'm resting from your attitude!" I shouted. My anger made me bold. Connor quickly got off of me and helped me up.
"We were just messin' around, Boss," Connor explained, sounding like a guilty child.
"We weren't even doing anything bad! And we don't have to explain ourselves to you! It isn't your business!"
Mr Lancaster walked up to me until our faces were inches apart. Connor tried to intervene, but I held my hand out to stop him.
"Miss Hemmings, any business is my business. Any business and all business."
His breath felt hot against my face, his steely eyes were emotionless.
"If you're trying to threaten me, Mr Lancaster, it isn't working."
He leaned in more, breaking eye contact as I felt his lips near my ear.
"Oh, Miss Hemmings, I promise you, you will know exactly if and when I am threatening you." I didn't think it was possible, but Mr Lancaster's voice was even deeper and huskier.
I stood there still, unwavering. I wasn't going to let this man intimidate me!
Well, he actually did intimidate me...
But I'll be damned if I let him know!
"If that's all you have to say, you can leave Connor and I alone. Now."
Connor let out a strangled sound.
Hell yeah, I just spoke to Mr Lancaster like that!
Mr Lancaster backed up, examining me. His face didn't show anything, but he couldn't control the rage in his eyes.
"Have a nice rest of your day, sir," I added sweetly.
"Connor, a word," Mr Lancaster demaned.
"No! What did he do?" I shouted.
"Nothing, Miss Hemmings, but I still need to talk to him," he stated matter of factly. He knew I interpreted his words incorrectly, which is why he had that smug, self satisfied look.
"I guess I just always expect the worse from you, sir," I said too sweetly.
Mr Lancaster flashed me a dangerous glare. It was like a warning. Do that one more time and you're dead.
Connor left the room trailing slightly behind Mr Lancaster. He gave me a quick glance and I gave him a small "good luck" smile.
Left alone in the room, I went to the bed Connor wasn't using and laid down. I fell asleep almost instantly.
Mr Lancaster always seemed like he was able to exhaust me quickly.

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