I need a little help.

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So hello everyone!

How are you today?

Hope your good and your happy :)

Anyways so latley I've been wanting to start a new book.

Of course I'll still carry on with this book and my other one, aftermath (which I'm working on a new part for)

But I wanna spice my account up and add variety to it.

Okay okay so I know I've done books in the past that I started to work on then unpublished.

But do not be alarmed if you used to read those, I still have them there not deleted!

So since my brain is completely blank for ideas I'm leaving it up to you.

I'm gonna set some basic rules and things so you can leave your ideas in the comments.

•it can be any fandom, although it has to be one I'm familiar with. Here are some of the prime examples of fandoms I'm in (you don't have to request these necessarily as you can branch out to other fandoms but these are my mains)

•cow chop
•crankgameplays (preferably not another Ethan book as I have two)
•banana bus squad (aka vanoss and his crew)

- you can be as imaginative and creative as you want with your ideas.
- all credit will be given at the start of the book to that person/people who requested it.
- it can be an imagines/one-shots type book or a story.
-you can give me details of how you would like the story to go or you can leave it up to me :)


That's pretty much it, I'll give y'all plenty of time to give me your ideas/agree with others about ideas, again it's all up to you and what you would like to be reading.

I know I can't satisfy everyone and not everyone will be in the same fandoms as me or others.

It's okay, it's your opinion.

Anyway that's all, I'll be looking forward to your ideas :)

DM's are always open on here so your free to talk to me about any ideas or just a casual chat :)

Bye bye!

crankgameplays imagines // ethan nestor Where stories live. Discover now