Imagine // 15 // Actress

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This is kinda gonna reflect on me a bit guys..
Basically I really wanna be and actress, I work hard and try to be as good as I can in drama in school because I want to achieve my dreams. So if i start getting a tad emotional just warn me 😅

Anyway, proceed...


I had just got done shooting the last scene for my upcoming TV show.

I was sweating, covered in fake blood and holding two realistic looking pistols.

I made my way to my dressing room, setting my guns down.

As soon as I did I was tackled on the sofa.

Upon looking up I realised it was Ethan, my boyfriend.


He laughed that adorable laugh,

"I came all the way from Maine to watch you film that scene, and to see you of course!"

I squealed like a child and pulled him into a passionate kiss.

"I can't believe your here oh my gosh!"

I gasped.

"What about your channel?"

He smirked

"Pre-recording is a thing babe."

I shot him a playful glare and pulled him down into another hug, nuzzling my head into the crook of his neck.

"I'm so proud of you baby, you've done so much and I can't wait to see your face on my TV, I'm gonna scream like a little fangirl you don't even know!"

I laughed and my arms wrapped tighter around his neck.

"Thank you so much babe! You have no idea how stressful it's been! I'm glad you came to see me, I needed you right now, I missed your everything."

He smiled and kissed my forehead.

"I'm gonna be here with you every step of the way okay?"

I nodded and an even wider smile crept into my face, I mean if it could get any wider.

"Now let's go seem Mark, Sean, Amy and Signe."

Your eyes widened.


"Yup, they wanted to come see you."

I pushed him off me and ran to the door.


He giggled loudly and finally blurred out "you have fake blood all over you"

"FUCK THAT I WANNA GO SEE MY MAIN BITCHES!" You squealed yanking him forcefully out of the door.

Man were you lucky to have Ethan Nestor...

crankgameplays imagines // ethan nestor Where stories live. Discover now