What Once Was Mine Chapter One

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Okay so I recently bought the Marianas Trench album, Ever After, and I decided to read the story that goes with it. (It's in the lyric booklet.) I read it, and for some reason, I felt it was incomplete. The story's great, but wouldn't it be better if there was more? So I decided to make this. To expand on the story a little bit for you Marianas Trench Fans out there, and of course, anyone else who’s interested. This is not a story about the real members of Marianas Trench. I hope I'm the first person to do this... If not, I'm sorry. Hopefully this doesn't sound like yours since I worked pretty hard with this.

Please respect my hard work and don't steal my story.


 [ ] = From the actual lyric booklet


It was dark and lonely as Josh walked through the halls of the orphanage. He had learned to not make any friends here. Josh was the only one left year after year. Most of the children only stayed for a couple of years.

No one would ever adopt him, he thought to himself, Nobody ever does.

Sleepily he climbed into his bed. It was quiet now that his bunkmate, Matt, had been adopted by a seemingly nice couple. He had been at this orphanage for five years. Josh had been here since he was born. He was literally born in this dump.

Josh did not care for any of the others at the orphanage. They would all leave eventually. The only ones he had ever cared to befriend were Matt, and the girl who had come here about three years after him, at the age of two. However, Matt had been adopted today, and the girl… well she had mysteriously disappeared. The orphanage told the children she had been adopted, but Josh knew better. She wouldn’t leave without saying goodbye, or at least leaving a note.   

Josh was extremely tired now, even too tired to think.

I wish that I could meet her again.

That was the very last thing on his mind before he drifted off to sleep.

Chapter One- Ever After 

Once upon a time there was a kingdom of toys. The toys lived happily together under the rule of their king and the royal family. How they had become the royal family was a mystery to all the toys. It all started long ago. There were generations and generations of kings and queens who ruled before the present king.  

The King’s P.O.V.

The kingdom was at peace. Everything was alright. I was king. My brother was happy being a mere prince. He was overjoyed with his beautiful lover Carolina. Porcelain, my adopted daughter was thrilled to be here, to be with a family. However, though she never said it out loud, she still wanted to know more, more about the world she came from. She wanted to meet her real family.

Porcelain was happy though. Happy that someone had taken her in when she was alone and afraid in the dangerous Forest of Creatures. She has grown so much from then. She had become less timid and much more brave, a warrior of sorts. I have personally taught her some of my skills in swordsmanship and hand to hand combat.

My subjects were satisfied to work under me. I was not an unkind king. I served justice down to those who did not follow the laws put down over generations, and I tried to help the toys in need. I could consider myself as a good ruler, possibly better than my father. The kingdom thrived under my rule.


Porcelain’s P.O.V.

My father has begun to act strangely. I barely ever see him anymore. Most of the time, he is holed up in his tower, and when he isn’t in his room, he is always pacing or muttering to himself.He has given up with my lessons. He no longer teaches me to fight or ride horses. I would do it by myself, but it is far too boring, and gives me far too much time by myself to think. And I can’t ask my uncle to train with me. He’s always with that Carolina girl. He never has any time for any of us anymore. Ever since Carolina has come into our lives, everything has changed.

What Once Was Mine (Marianas Trench Ever After Album fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now