Chapter 44: The Date

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I sat on my couch nervously waiting for Justin to ring my doorbell
What if he doesn't like how I'm dressed or how my hair looks? What I'm too dressed up? What if I say something wrong? What if tonight goes terribly wrong?
Questions kept speeding through my mind as I bit my lip nervously
My heart kept beating faster and faster until I could actually HEAR the sound of my heart beats coming out of my chest
But suddenly the doorbell rang
My heart stopped I gasped and my eyes widened
He's here
I got up and walked towards the door my breathing wasn't normal and my legs felt shaky
I was about to open the door but I put my hand down
I sighed relaxing my self
Stay calm Alexandra, everything will be just fine
I took one last breath and I twisted the door knob and opened it
I saw Justin in a tux I gaped at how handsome he looked I looked at him from head until I reached his toes
I giggled when I saw his black supras he blushed
He handed me the bouquet of roses that he hugged in his arms
I grinned
"Justin! you didn't have to get these for me!" I cooed they looked gorgeous I smelt them and he chuckled
"I know but your special to me"
I blushed
"Let me put these in a vase, come in"
He walked in and I rushed to the kitchen setting the bouquet down on the counter and got out a vase with some water inside
I quickly put them in as smile at how unique they were
"Ready to go?" he asked still smiling at me
I nodded and he grabbed my hand
I felt very tingly inside and I just wanted to scream and jump up and down very badly
But I didn't because I couldn't
I needed to stay calm and collected
I closed the door behind me as we walked down the stairs and my eyes widened as I saw a slick black limo parked in front
I stared in awe
"Justin! again you didn't have to get a limo we could've taken my car!"
He chuckled
"Never, I want to make you feel special babe because you are very special Alexandra"
I stared into those hazel eyes that made me Melt every single time I looked into them
He opened the door for me and I blushed at his gentlemen side
I slid in ad he closed the door after me
He whispered something to the driver and the driver smiled
i poked Justin and he smiled at me
"Are you going to tell me where we're going?"
He smirked
"Nope I told you it is a surprise"
I huffed
Darn it
He chuckled and pulled me into his chest
I hugged his torso inhaling his scent
It was a mix of a sweet smell of vanilla and a manly husky scent of cologne
Together made it smell like heaven
He chuckled making me blush realizing that he noticed me smelling him
We finally stopped
"Babe close your eyes, I want to surprise you and plus there's a little walk"
I huffed closing my eyes he took my hand and pulled me out of the limo
He closed the door covering my face with his left hand and his right arm firmly secured around my waist
"Just to make sure you don't peak"
I inwardly rolled my eyes
I am trusting the Justin Bieber, the pranking king, the goofy joke making person, and the one who is always playing around
I prayed to god I wouldn't fall
We walked for a while
I was surrounded by darkness and the only thing I heard was the clacking sound from the bottom of my heels
"Justin" I whined
He chuckled
"Almost there babe, I promise"
"Don't make promises you can't keep" I nagged
He laughed some more and finally we came to an abrupt stop
"You ready?" he teased
"Yes!" I squealed
He remove his hand from my face and I gasped at the sight
There was a huge waterfall that rushed and flowed into a big pool of water that sparkled under the brightest full moon
It was surrounded by trees and swamp like plants and the pond had Lilly pads
It was gorgeous
Then I saw a mini table with two chairs that had the proper table setting with candles and a Rose that was set in the middle
Justin pulled my chair out and when I sat down he pushed me in
It was so fancy.
He jogged around the table and slid into his seat
When I looked to see what we were eating it was lasagna
It looked so good and it smelt amazing
"I hope you like it" he smiled
I picked up my fork and took a bite of the cheesy pasta cuisine
It tasted AMAZING
"Justin! Did you make this? this is so good!"
He looked down shyly smiling as he blushed
Is the Justin Bieber actually blushing??
"Are you blushing?" I gasped
He hid his face looking down
"Stop I hate when I blush it's such a gay thing for guys to do." he whined
I giggled a bit
When we finished our meal I took a sip of my water
"This is amazing Justin. Thank you for bringing me"
"Thank you for coming" he smirked
I smiled lightly chuckling at his silliness
I got looked at the water it was so gorgeous my goodness
I'm here on the perfect date
With the perfect setting
With the look
With the perfect guy.
I snapped out of my trance when I heard an unzipping sound
When I turned I saw Justin pulling his pants down throwing it off to the side
My eyes widened i traced my eyes over his 6 pack down to his V-Line
"Justin what are you-"
Before I could finish my sentence he jumped into the pond making a huge splash
I squealed as he made the water hit my legs
He came back up flipping his hair out if his face
"Come on babe, jump in he water's fine!"
I got up crossing my arms
"No way!"
"Come on Alexandra, don't make me come out and get you!"
I stood my ground
"Over my dead body!"
He smirked
Oh no
He got out and ran towards me not giving me a chance to escape he picked me up throwing me over his shoulders
"No Justin! Wait Justin my dress!"
He chuckled "Well your about to ruin it!"
No wait let me take it off first!" I blurted out
He came to an abrupt stop
Oh shit why the hell did I say that?
he put me down grinning
I'm so glad I'm wearing shorts and a t-shirt under this
I slid my dress off putting it safely onto the chair
Justin frowned when he saw me in shorts a da tank top
"Come on don't you want to be in dry clothes when you get out?"
He was right...
I but my lip
I took my tank top and shorts off throwing them onto my dress
I sighed
He picked me up again throwing me over his shoulders
I screamed pounding his back with my tiny fists
"Justin put me down!" I screeched
"Never" he chuckled and he plunge us into the water
He was about to swim to the top but I grabbed a handful of his hair and shoved him deeper down making me go to the top
I coughed wiping the hair out of my face
He came up doing the same
"Hey! you pushed me"
"You picked me up and forced me into the water!"
He rolled his eyes laughing as he splashed water at me
I gasped
Splashing some back
Soon we ended up having a splash war with laughs and screams
When we were tired of splashing and laughing we stopped he grabbed my hand pulling me into the curtain of water
I gasped as I went into the water fall
It was gorgeous
We sat on a smooth rock that laid behind it
he looked at me grabbing me and putting me onto his lap
I smiled an de returned it
"Did you like tonight" he asked
"I very much did"
He smiled widely making me giggle
"You know we could've just skinny dipped but we'll you know"
He smirked and I gasped giggling and hit him hard pushing him back I fell with his as he had my waist secured with his hand
Our faces were inches apart
He looked at my lips and licked his lips
"You know we have to stop falling onto each other" I said
"Why? I like us falling onto each other."
I giggled
"And whys that?" I asked innocently
"Because I get to do this"
He suddenly pushed our lips together kissing back and forth
Moving our lips in sync
I wrapped my arms around his neck putting my legs over his as my knees hit the cold rock surface he put his legs under mine grabbing my hips
I played with his hair as we continued our kiss
He flipped us over making me lay under him as he continued to kiss me but more roughly
He ran his hand up my back making it arch
He kissed down to my neck making me look to the side
He kissed leaving wet slipping kisses
He sucked on one spot
I gasped
It felt good
"J-Justin" i moaned
"I love you so god damn much" he breathed kissing down to my belly button
His hands trailed up my back unhooking my bra
I gasped
"Justin I don't know if we should-"
"Are you not ready?" he asked nervously
"I'm just afraid" I breathed
"and I don't wanna do it here" I bit my lip nervously
He nodded
"I understand"
I hooked back my bra as he got off of me
"I know you want to Justin, but I'm scared and I don't want to lose my virginity behind a waterfall even tho don't get me wrong it is gorgeous I just want it to be special"
He gazed at me
"I thought this was special" he sighed
"No Justin I meant I want it to be perfect where I'm comfortable somewhere I feel safe and not out in the open"
he grabbed my chin lifting it up making me look into his eyes
"Like your house?"
I bit my lip
His eyes lit up
I blushed
Almost immediately did he rush out behind the waterfall grabbing my hand and rushed to where our clothes were
I giggled at his excitement
We put our clothes on and we walked back to the limo
"Don't get anything confused I'm not a horn dog or anything like that I just really love you and I'm happy to be your first."
He whispered in my ear
I smiled at him noticing at how his sweetness was showing me why he wanted to have sex with me
Not because of my body and what he can take out of it
But the importance of it
I nodded at him and he smiled kissing my cheek
We steeps Into the limo and the driver started to drive after Justin told him to go to my house.
After a while Justin was getting impatient
He always is so impatient he doesn't like to wait
"Aye step on it yeah?" he said to the driver
The driver nodded a little bit shook off guard
I giggled at Justin
He's too much

I felt a little warm kiss on my cheek making me feel well....excited
She trailed kisses down my jawline
"I love you,"
She said kissing down to my neck
" So much"
I licked my lips
I felt my pants get right and I shifted in my seat from that
"I can't wait"
She whispered into my ear
I felt myself let out a whimper
I want her so badly
she giggled
My pants got tighter every second I couldn't deal with it
I shook my leg in uncomfortness and I guess Alexandra noticed because she smirked and sat on my lap she kissed me on my cheek and traced her finger over my lips
She slowly rocked back and forth onto me I moaned lowly hoping the driver wouldn't here
I felt myself harden as she traced her finger up and down my shirt
She gasped by them grinned probably happy she achieved her accomplishment.
The limo came to a stop and we got out and I paid the driver. and he left as we stopped to the front door
I shook with excitement
I couldn't help but smile
I'm going to show Alexandra how much I truly love her
The minute the door open I grabbed her head turning her around and attacking her lips I slammed the door closed and she smiled in between kisses
"I love you a lot, Alexandra" I breathed she stated to unbutton my jacket taking it off
This is going to be a very special night

~* Hey my lovelies how are ya? Good I hope! So for this chapter I hope you liked it! I'm showing more of his sweet gentleman side an I really do hope you guys love it! so for this chapter I want AT LEAST 150 votes? 😊 love u guys 💋💋💋💋💋 MUAH! STAY SWAGGE!~*

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