Chapter 49: Be There

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As I walked through the hallways I couldn't find Justin nor Luke!
Where the hell are these two? Especially Justin! Who knows what is going on with him today but it sure isn't good.
I groaned leaning on my locker.
This really is getting annoying, I'm so tired.
I sighed.
I walked and I heard some commotion around the boys bathroom.
I furrowed my eyebrows and quickly jogged over there.
I squeezed through the crowd as I saw Justin beating the crap out of Luke.
Justin held him by the collar punching him repeatedly.
My eyes widened.
"Justin what are you doing!" I screamed.
They both snapped their necks toward me and Justin immediately dropped him as Luke let out a groan clutching onto his stomach and jaw.
I pushed everyone out of the way and stomped into the boys bathroom.
I pushed Justin away from him.
"What is wrong with you? what did he do!"
"I told him to stay away from you and he didn't! He didn't listen, so someone had to teach him a lesson," he glared down at Luke
"No one disobeys me."
"Justin! listen to yourself you sound insane! I thought you were changing but your obviously not! I thought you were getting better, I guess not."
I looked at him coldly hoping he would say something,.. anything.

He bit his lip but he narrowed his eyes at me.
"I don't change for the better, Not even for girls," he spat as he came closer
"Especially girls like you."
He chuckled.
"You're so oblivious Alexandra, I mean really, you think a girl could change me?" he snapped.
I gasped as he looked at me in disgust before stomping away pushing the crowd out of the way.
Soon the crowd disappeared.
I had tears in my eyes and they slowly trickled down my soft skin. I sniffled.
I thought he loved me.
I guess not...
But he was so bipolar.
Is he? Maybe he needs help? he didn't mean that, he couldn't of.
But the more I tried to convince myself of reasons that he would just blow up like that, the more and more I believe he really did mean it.
"Alexandra." I heard Luke whimper out.
I turned seeing him hurt.
I gasped forgetting he was even there
I knelt down to his level and helped him up.
He groaned in pain.
"I'm so sorry," I whispered
He didn't seem to reply but he just nodded as a response.
I got some napkin and wet it and cleaned up his cuts.
I sighed
"He had no right to do that to you."
He looked at me with sorrowful eyes.
"Yes, I deserved it. I didn't no how to back off when he's obviously your boyfriend."
I bit my lip
"I don't know any more.." I trailed off
Why would he say that to me, I thought he loved me.
Did he?
He never said so..
I let a tear drop fall from my face as I sniffed.
I sighed quickly wiping it away when I realized Luke had noticed, he gave me a sympathetic look but I ignored it helping him up.
"Come on let's umm, take you to the nurse." I sighed
He winced in pain as he shifted his weight onto his left foot.
I wrapped my arm around his back as he did the same, helping him walk down the hall.
We finally arrived and I laid him down I the sofa chair.
"What happened?" the nurse asked frantically.
I bit my lip.
"He umm .. He uh-"
"I fell down the stairs." I looked over as he let a smirk towards me.
I looked back at the nurse as she gave us both a questioning look.
"Yea.." I trailed off
She sighed
"Would you like to go home?"
"N-no I'm good." He groaned out
She breathed out a breath.
"I'll fetch you a nice pack then." and he smiled and walked out the room heading for an ice pack.
I sat beside him
"Are you alright?" I asked concerned
He chuckled lightly
"I'm fine, you don't have to stay with me you can go."
I sighed
"Alright I'll come and see you after school."
He bit his lip nervously
"Umm,yea okay."
I gave him a weak fake smile and walked off to my next class.
As I slipped in, I quickly sat beside one of the cheerleaders as she greeted me with a warm smile
"Where were you?" she whispered.
I bit my lip.
"I had to go get something from a teacher." I lied
She nodded
"Oh ok."
I laid my head down in response.
Now what? Are me and Justin over or did we just have a mini argument?
Speaking of Justin...
Where is he?
I rolled my eyes.
Who cares.
He hurt me and there is nothing he can do to fix it.
I hope he understands that.

I stomped out into the parking lot in front of school.
I can't deal with this shit.
I was trying to protect her and she goes off and protects him?
Goes on his side?
I her boyfriend. How dare she act that way towards me.
I angrily kicked a trash can nearby and I sat down still fuming.
I tried to calm myself down, but I just couldn't.
For one I was angry with her,but now I'm more upset with myself.
Why would I say that to her.
I remembered the hurt and tears she held in her eyes once those words released from my mouth.
I instantly regretted it.
I ran my fingers through my hair and tugged the ends frustratingly.
I need to fix this,
And fast.


When it was finally lunch I sat with my friends as they talked and laughed,but really I just wasn't in the mood to talk, I was upset and annoyed, and most of all sad.
What did I do wrong?
Protect nothing more than a friend?
I sighed stabbing my salad and plopping the fork into my mouth.
I chewed and stayed quiet and hoped the lunch bell would ring soon.
I looked around and that's when I saw Justin. He was at a lunch table.
He's never alone.
I saw as his friends motioned for him to sit with them but he just waved them off. One of the jocks even got up to ask what was wrong or what happened but all Justin did was reply a, and I quote, "fuck off."
And then the jock put his hands up I'm surrender and walked off.
That's when our eyes met. Not for long, it was more of a split second.
I saw hurt and sorrow in his eyes.
Then he turned as quickly as he came, and he walked away out of the cafeteria just as the bell rings.
I sigh.
Picking up all my trash and walking away I wonder why Justin is being like this.
I thought he was really changing,
For the better.
Not for the worse.
I slide into class sitting as far away from the front as possible.
I lean my head down and silently sob for a bit.
I just don't understand, how he could say that to me.
As soon as I picked my head up I quickly wiped my tears away with my sleeve.
Suddenly the door burst open and Justin stomped right in acting as if he owned the place as if he were "boss".
I scoffed.
He slouched down into his seat and looked over at me biting his lip.
I rolled my eyes and pretended to pay attention to the teacher.
I dreaded every second wanting this to be over.
As soon as the bell rang I grabbed my stuff and quickly stomped out of the room.
I went to my locker and did my combination opening it and getting my bag closed my locker and headed off to the Nurses Office.
I told him I would be there for him and I am.

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