I Loved Her First

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I Loved Her First

29th August 2038   (Hudson, Ryan and Noah are 10 months old)

Matty's POV

Today is the day, today I will be walking my baby girl down the aisle, it's the one moment I've been waiting for since she was born, and also one I've been dreading. It means that she's now a grown woman, married and becoming the glue to her own little family that she has made, she's my princess and always will be. I still expect to see her walk through the house as a little girl, wearing those pink and purple dresses that she was in love with, her long wavy hair pulled back in pig tails, it's days like  this that I wish that Autumn was here, to share in this day and maybe even have her own.

"Babe, you're not about to cry already are you?" Sums giggled as she nudged me in the side, we were both in the en suite of Izzy's guest room, we stayed here with her last night, while Declan stayed at our place with Cade, I hope they behaved themselves last night. 

"Maybe, I was just thinking about our little girl, she's getting married in a few hours, then she'll officially belong to another man." I mumbled, if Izzy knew we were showering together, in her house, she'd be mortified, parents are not supposed to do stuff like that, I might have to tease her a little about it, tell her Mum and Dad tested the guest room bed if it was any good to fuck on.

"Matty, she'll always be your baby girl, you can't get rid of her that easily." she chuckled, wow this water pressure is much better than ours, maybe we should move in here, Nick is never home, he's always off at Uni and studying, or out with Lani somewhere, I'll have to ask him when he's moving into Mum and Dad's house. I pulled my sexy as hell wife into my arms and just held her tight, her back pressed firmly into my chest, the evil woman she is, wriggled her ass over my groin, and turned her head to look at me with a smirk, now she's playing with fire.

"Keep that up Summer Rose and I'll be sure to make good use of this shower cubilce, and then on that huge bed in the other room, behave yourself." I growled deeply, I was rock hard instantly and my grip around her was so tight, I'd probably end up snapping her in half.

"I have no idea what you're talking about Baby." her smirked grew and I growled loudly as she did it harder this time and then dashed out of the shower, leaving me standing there hard as hell, what the fuck? I could hear her roaring laughter throughout the tiled room.

"Don't even think about it Matthew, we are not having sex in our daughters house." she pointed at me, her voice now controlling and mean as she stopped her laughing.

"Why not? She's done it in ours, only fair don't you think?" I couldn't hold back the laugh after I said that, the look on my wife's face, oh how I love stirring my girls up, and that goes to my new son in law, Declan, now that never gets tired, one would think he'd be used to it by now.

"Hurry up and get out," she ordered, I took a few calming breaths and tried to think of something other than the woman I married almost twenty five years ago, I'm surprising her with a two week holiday, to the exact same place we went on our honeymoon, where we concieved Brax, good times. I'm more surprised she's put up with me for this long, lots of ups and downs, lots of babies, even more now with the grandchildren, I wouldn't trade my girl in for anything, I still love her like the day I first fell in love with her. After shutting off the water, I stepped out and grabbed a towel, wrapping it tightly around my waist, once I left the en suite, I found Sums sitting on the edge of the bed putting her shoes on.

"We'll be leaving in about half hour to get to the salon, can I trust you to make sure that the cars are here and ready to go, Kaleb will be here shortly, Katie just text me, you two better behave today, no shots tonight Matt, or your can sleep in the kennel with the dog, and I will pray that it will rain, heavy and with some hail." she smirked but the warning was clear in her voice, we're not that bad, I scoffed, that sure is that pot calling the kettle black, her and Katie were wasted this time last year, and guess who ended up being sober driver, me.

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