You....and I

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You...and I

29th August 2038

Declan's POV (pic of Izzy's dress)

She's gonna kill me, she's gonna kill me, I knew I shouldn't have let Cade let me drink, I feel like fucking shit and I am starring into the mirror checking out my new dark brown hair. What the fuck happened last night? The last thing I remember was the shots of black Sambuca and there was a a shit load of them, I reek of aniseed and that is one thing Bell hates, anything that smells like licorice, and I smell like I was swimming in it. I splashed my face again with the freezing cold water, hopefully that wakes me up a bit more but I doubt it will, plus my head is pounding like a bitch.

"I feel sick." Nick groaned as he walked into the bathroom, I turned to look at him and noticed his hand was clamped over his face, his skin was pale and it was covered in a light layer of sweat. I would have thought Nick had more sense than to give in to the peer demands of his brothers and alcohol, and drink he did, he was sculling them down faster than the rest of us, now he's clearly paying for that.

"Don't chuck up with me in here, or I will do the same." I warned him before I quickly bolted the tiny room when he started to dry reach and made my way into the family room where Cade, Aidan, Tommy, Cam and Gage were all dressed and ready to go. Dad took one look at me and laughed, if Matt wasn't so pissed off with this whole pink hair thing, he would have laughed his ass off but I knew he was fuming inside.

"She's gonna kill you." Brax laughed as he walked in with Jax and Alex, they were all dressed in suits and they all stopped, Jax looked the most confused.

"I know, can everyone please stop reminding me of that fact." I growled, ever since Gage fixed my hair they've all had the same thing to say, I know Bell is going to be mad, the one thing I was not allowed to touch for the wedding day was my hair. Now with it almost the same shade as hers, and not one trace of blonde left, I know I'm in deep shit with the woman I'm about to call my wife.

"At least you have hair, it could've been worse." Dad chuckled as he drank his coffee, yeah and Cade's fucking lucky that it didn't resort to that, or he will be going down with me.

"True, what time do we leave?" I asked, I could just about hear my heart beating in my chest, that's how nervous, anxious and excited I'm getting to marry my girl, I've been waiting for this day and now it's finally here.

"Now, it's going to take us an hour to get there." Jace said as he walked in, Jace and Brax are the drivers of our cars, Bell wanted the wedding to be held at Kingsford Homestead which was the location of McLeod's Daughters. Bell had fallen in love with that show at a young age as Summer always watched it over and over, which also had my girl do the same, she made me watch it all with her. So today, we will be married at the homestead that was once called 'Drovers Run', and tonight we will be staying in the stonemasons cottage, we decided on that room as it was more private and away from the main house.

"Have we got everything, the last thing I need is that we left something behind." I asked and looked at all the men in the room, they all nodded and smiled. I took a few deep breaths to calm myself down which did not work, this is going to be the longest drive in history. Jace was to drive Dad, Cade, Aidan and myself, while Brax had Nick, Tommy, Jax and Alex with him, Tyler had picked up Cam and Gage, he too pissed himself laughing at my hair, I'm definitely in the dog house.

"Declan, you need to relax a little, everything is going to work out as planned." Dad said as he squeezed my shoulder, even though he was sitting behind me, he still knew I was thinking too much about something else going wrong. Jace was laughing hard as he drove, big mouth Cade and Aidan were in the back giving him a full run down of what happened last night, I did not need that reminder.

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