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I kinda tweaked the headcanon a little here. Instead of Sixth Years, I will put First Years instead.



3rd Person's POV

The Golden Trio found theirselves within a fairly large crowd, with their mouths hung open.

It was about a week into the new semester here at Hogwarts, and boy, were the new First Years a handful. They were noisy and extravagant, but fun and cheerful that no one could really tell them to shut their traps.

Okay, maybe the older Slytherins and some Ravenclaws could, but hey! Good enough.

But now, atleast 20 students from each house gathered at the moving stairs. Teachers and students alike stood in awe as they looked up and stared.

Eyes darting from one side to the other side, following the subjects they were focused on.

Children, First Years, jumped from staircase to staircase as it moved. Hopping onto it's railings, doing backflips, frontflips, cartwheels, gigantic leaps, all while shouting; "Parkour!"

"Why have we never thought of that?!" Older Muggleborns exclaimed (most coming from Gryffindor), quickly ran up the stairs, joining their juniors in performing tricks and kicks.

One boy performed a handstand on a railing, and tilting sideward (much to everyone's horror) and landed on another case of moving stairs.

A very flexible girl started with a run before pulling off an aerial cartwheel, eliciting a few shrieks here and there from everyone present.

"Merlin's name, Harry..." Hermione whispered to the green eyed boy. "If we were able to record this without Muggles asking us where we were, this would go viral!"

Harry nodded wordlessly. Ron's mouth hung open in awe.

"Do all muggleborns do this?" Someone whispered.

"PARKOUR!" One of the kids who were executing this Strange Muggle Activity exclaimed, as if it were a reply that would explain everything that was currently happening before the wizards.

McGonnagal had punished everyone present by subtracting 25 points from all the houses.



Chapter two! It's up and runninggg!

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