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The sounds of machines whirring filled her ears. Her eyes fluttered open, and looked around, not recognising anything. "Hello, my darling," a man in a white coat said, and put out his hand for her to take. She looked down at herself, she felt weird. Her stomach had holes, and was filled with gears, her hands were covered in strange metal and her heart - she had none, only something glowing where it should be, something glowing neon blue.

"Don't worry, come with me," the man said. Looking up, she put her hand in the man's and stepped out of the strange white container that she had been in a while ago. They were in a strange room, sort of like a lab, and there were computers and wires strewn across the floor. A notebook lay on a white desk, with a drawing of a girl, one that looked just like her. The man smiled at her and brought her to a mirror, and she gasped when she saw herself.

She was pale, with her long brown hair falling to her shoulders in curls. Her bright blue eyes stared back at her in surprise, and her hands and legs were both silver, made of some kind of steel. "You're beautiful." The man said, "You're beautiful, Ebony."

Ebony, it must be her name. She tried to move her mouth, to talk, but failed. Instead, she hugged the man, who comforted her and hugged her back. When they finally pulled back, the man had tears of joy in his eyes. Telling Ebony to wait, the man went out of the strange room, and disappeared.

That was the day Ebony was created, the day the Maxwells finally had a child, a daughter, who was - a robot.

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