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He thought that spirling until his legiments came off meant he was dead. He thought that it meant it was over.

The thing is, he thought. He was so wrong.

The teenage boy woke up in a comfy bed, but as he looked around he was shocked and confused. What is this? He didn't understand. There was a weird.. how do I put this.. shade everywhere.

He started to move his hand up to his face, but there was nothing to move. He only had his biceps for 'arms'. He started to freak, going to move his legs over the bed. The same problem happened - he only had thighs.

He felt like he was spirling again, but inside his own mind. What are these shades? Where are my legiments? How am I alive?!

He found the answers as the door across the room opened. Another boy, dressed in the different shades walked in. The only shades that the first mentioned boy could comprehend were the other's almost ghostly white skin and his black sweatpants.

"Oh! You're awake." Said the other, pulling down the awkward placed mouthguard to show his actual smile. There was a cut in on his left cheek, showing his teeth.

The first boy was shaken by this - even his voice had a fake cheer to it. "I'm Toby!" Said Toby, apparently.

Toby shuffled over to the boy, and he watched Toby's bad posture. When his head jerked to the side, the boy's eyes widened. He worked up enough to say, "Are you o-ok?"

Toby paused his walking, and smiled honestly. He seemed very happy for some unknown reason. "I'm great! Just my disorder."

The boy nodded slowly, resting his head back more. "Your name's Lost Silver, right?"

Lost Silver? Silver guessed the name fitted for now. His name was Silver, but it wasn't Lost. He assumed it didn't matter. "Just Silver.." He mumbled.

Toby nodded, playing with his jacket sleeves. "Why do you l-look so confused?" He asked the limbless boy.

"I.. don't know the shades around here.. or whats going on. Where am I? Why aren't I dead..?" Silver questioned aloud.

"They're colours, you're in a bedroom, y-you're dead."

"What do you mean dead?"

"You're a ghost!" Toby said with a cute laugh, jumping up onto the side of the bed Silver was on.

Silver made a face, and then sighed. It didn't matter, he guessed. "Ok. So what's c-colours?" He asked, looking down shyly.

"They're all colours, black, white, brown, blue, and more! You have red on your arms from your bleeding." Toby explained, nodding his head to himself.

Silver nodded slowly, knowing that he'd have to get used to this. It slightly hurt his eyes, he soon figured out. What hurt more is that he couldn't rub them to get the tears forming away. As if Toby could read his mind, he reached forward and slowly wiped away the tears. He pulled the goggles from his forehead, and secured them over Silver's eyes.

This hurt much less, and Silver thanked Toby quietly as red blossomed on his face. He quite liked Toby, he was very friendly and he enjoyed his cute demanor. "You can keep t-them for a while if you'd like." Toby offered, and Silver gladly accepted his gift.

"You're going to have to take these.." Said the other, holding out a pill bottle. After a few moments, the pills were being fed to Silver. It was quite embarrasing, but he couldn't do anything about it. He was just glad Toby had taken off his gloves so it didn't taste like leather.

Toby's neck, as if on a timer, cracked to the left side this time with a few extra pops from his bones. Silver flinched, not liking the sound. It wasn't a nice sound at all to him, but he knew Toby couldn't control it.

"Tomarrow Red will check up on you," Toby said after checking the clipboard on the wall. "Is that alright?"

"Y-Yeah." Silver agreed, but he was a bit saddened. He liked Toby's sweet company, especially after being mostly alone on his adventure- wait. His adventure! "How will I catch pokémon?"

"Pokémon..? Oh! The game you're from. You can't here, b-but we brought along your team. They're in the other hospital rooms." Toby said quickly, writing down his name on the paper. He then wrote, '7:39pm' as a leaving time.

Silver grew lonely as they said their goodbyes, and he waited in the bed. At least Toby had left the TV playing, but it was on the 'kids channel' and Silver didn't know if he wanted to learn Spanish from a brightly coloured girl.

He couldn't change the channel, or call for someone, so he just waited and watched the show. He soon found out that the girl's name was Dora, and she had a couple of friends. He started to enjoy the show when the antagonist, named Swiper, showed up.

He kept watching the show for about two hours straight before there was another knock at the door. "Dinner!" The sweet voice chimed, and he insantly recognized Toby.

The said boy waddled his way in, pushing a cart. "I've got you strawberries, bananas, toast, and a glass of water!" He said with a bright smile, not wearing the mouthguard. It showed a bandaid on his cheek like earlier, which still worried Silver. There was no time to ask about it, however.

Soon Toby was sitting on the bed with Silver, feeding him said food. "Do you think.. you can change the channel?" Silver asked reluctantly, since he didn't want to make Toby do everything for him.

"Sure!" Toby said as he switched the TV to a show called Too Cute. Silver quite enjoyed this channel, it was about three different dog breeds. He didn't know what dogs were really, but they sure were cute! When the first show ended, it switched to kittens. He loved the black and white ones, they calmed his eyes.

After finishing his meal, he downed his drink and Toby cleaned up. "I'll see if I can come back in sometime soon." He said, noticing Silver's frown. Silver's face immediately glowed with joy, and Toby giggled as he left.

He watched Too Cute for around an hour before he fell asleep in the what he now knew, to be his home.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2017 ⏰

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