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Myra P.O.V.-
As I was driving I started thinking about the day when I told Mahi Bhai and Sakshi Bhabhi everything..

2 months ago..

I was at Mahi Bhai's house and he was also there sitting with Bhai and on that day I had a nightmare of the day which has destroyed me so badly.

I was sweating badly and he was sitting on my right side. I guess he saw me sweating and gave me his handkerchief. I took it and helped myself in getting rid of the sweat. There was a complete silence today between us.. I didn't wanted to talk to him or anything.. so I went away from him because right now I just don't want to see his face.

I decided to go in the kitchen where Sakshi Bhabhi was. I went inside and saw bhabhi making something and ziva was on the slab playing with spoon.

"Hey Bhabhi" I said
"Hey Myra! Are you okay?" Bhabhi asked

"Yes Bhabhi I'm perfectly alright!" I said in the most confident tone as I could

"Okay let's go and have lunch"

We went outside towards the dining table and we got seated. In front of me he was sitting. On my right was Sakshi bhabhi and in front of her there was Mahi Bhai. Ziva was with me.

We sat in a complete silence having our lunch. Only Ziva's voice could be heard. After the lunch he got a call and then he said to Mahi Bhai that he needs to leave there's some urgent work. I felt good because his presence is suffocating me.

He came to me and then hugged me and then hugged mahi bhai and bhabhi.

Bidding a bye to us he went back to his home. Now it was just me, Mahi Bhai and Sakshi bhabhi and how can i forget little Ziva?

I was wandering outside in their garden with Ziva in my hands.. I wasn't able to bear the suffocation that is inside me.. the secret which I've kept inside me from last 3 years is killing me. It's drowning me.. and I'm drowning deep.. no one's there to support me.. to help me come out of this depression.. to boost up my confidence.. I don't even think I'll be able to survive longer because I'm breaking and breaking. No one is there to mend my broken pieces.. no one is there to fix me.. NO ONE. Not even my parents!

I was occupied in my own thoughts and then Mahi Bhai called me coming out of the house.

"Yes bhai?" I said
"Come inside we need to talk" he said in a stern voice
"Okay bhai, I'll be there in two minutes. " After listening to it bhai again went inside.

I don't know what is the matter he has called me inside...

Maybe to talk? But what? I went inside their house and found them sitting there Bhai asked me to sit in front of him.

Their conversation-

Mahi- Mayuuu are you okay?
(*Mahi bhai likes to call me Mayu*)

Me- y-yess.. b-bhai I am.. umm fine..

I stammered at my statement that made Bhai suspicious

Mahi- Mayu you know na just by looking at your face I can tell there is something wrong!

Me- uh.. n-no bhai.. not-nothing is l-like that.. I'm fine.

I said and forced a smile

Mahi- Sakshi come here I need to talk to you.

He said it loud enough so that Bhabhi could hear as she was in kitchen.

Venomously in love || [Virat Kohli] ✓Where stories live. Discover now