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Myra P.O.V.-

I woke up with a *thud* sound and then I realized that I actually fell from my bed! Oh damn what is actually happening to me these days. I have suddenly started liking the person whom I should hate.. I'm not even able to think something bad for him. I just don't know why?

And suddenly something was buzzing continuously
And then I realized it's my phone ringing I glanced at the watch it showed 8:30 a.m.. Wait What? 8:30?

Ohmygod I'm so late today how did I just slept this much 😫 Shit shit shit. I looked at the caller ID it was from Mahi Bhai.

Why is he Calling me this time? I decided to answer the call.

"Hello Mahi Bhai?"

"Oh thank god you picked up the call Myra" I can feel panic in his voice

"God Mahi Bhai what happened? Are you alright? Is Sakshi Bhabhi fine? Or is it about Ziva bhai?" Now I was worried

"Myra..Myra calm down.. calm down we all are fine. It's actually about someone else you know?" Now I realized it's about him

"Yes bhai I got it. What about him?" I asked

"Actually Myra as today is a holiday why don't you come to our house I want to talk to you about something even Sakshi too wants to talk about it!" He said

Oh god what a start of the day in the beginning only he is being the centre of attention now? Can't my day start without him? Can't people just simply forget him? Why do they even need to mention him in front of me I just don't understand. Why why why? And how can I forget about my holiday today wow! This is why I slept till this time. Thank god I have no work today.

"Myra are you there?" Mahi Bhai said

"Oh ye-yes Mahi Bhai I'm there"

"Will you come Myra? If you don't feel uncomfortable with us talking about him then only come we are not forcing you" Mahi Bhai said

"Bhai why will I be uncomfortable with you and bhabhi huh? You guys are only my family" I said him because he and Bhabhi understands me like no one can!

"So is this a yes from you?" He said laughing

"Of course Bhai. You don't need to ask me you need to order me like a big brother. Okay mere pyare Bhai?" I said him now my mood was very good

"Haanji meri pyaari behna so now go and get up from your bed and get ready. Come fast we're waiting for you." Bhai said

"Okay bhai I'll be there in an hour or so" I told him

"Myra we'll have the breakfast together. Okay baby sister now bye" he told me

"Fine bhai. Bye take care. See you soon" and then I hung up.

I got up from bed and headed to the washroom and got ready within 10 minutes and was ready to go. I took my car keys and started driving to Mahi Bhai's house. As I was driving I started thinking what happened that day...

Author's Note-
I know it's a short chapter but I wanted it to be a short one as in my next chapter there will be a short flashback in Myra's P.O.V. so stay tuned to know what is that flashback about! Do not forget to vote and comment 🙈

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