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Once upon a time, a time that never should've happened, there was a girl we all know named Red Riding Hood. She didn't live in the woods near a kind old baker lady; that part is a mistake. Red lived in the village on the moorland near the woods, in a house with her mother and father, while her best friend, Lupa, lived next door.

I am Lupa.

And tonight never should have happened.

The moon shines brightly through the autumn canopy of trees above me, illuminating the clearing. I don't know how I got here, where Red and I carved our secrets into the tree trunks when we were children. I sit up, my hands squelching in a substance that is hot and thick.

"What the hell?" I mutter, looking down at my hands. In the pale silver moonlight, I see my hands are almost black with this thick liquid, and I carefully sniff one finger. Blood. Fresh blood.

Alarmed, I look around the clearing. There is a still body near the tree line. Flashes of memory start to trickle back into my head; the dark night seeming much brighter and noisier with my new senses; a girl running not far ahead of me, her fear rolling off her in waves; my lithe new body pounding effortlessly after her, hungry for the fear and the blood that rushes through her veins; the red hood she threw off as she grabbed the fire poker, raking it down my face--


I run towards the body, clearly a female, and see the torn red hood nearby. I kneel beside her, letting out a soft sob as I gather her body close to me. She is very bloody. Teeth marks run up her neck and face, and slashes have made ribbons of her torso. Shaking, I put my ear to her mouth, and feel a soft whisper of breath stir my hair. She's still alive.

Placing my shaky, non-bloody hand on her cheek, I try to wake her. After a few minutes of me shaking her and begging for her to wake, her eyes open a bit. She looks up at me and lets out a moan as tears erupt from her eyes.

"I'm so sorry," I whisper to Red, crying softly. "This is my fault."

My friend shakes her head and wraps me in a weak hug. "You're... A wolf," she whispers in my ear.

I nod my head sadly with a whimper. "Yes. I'm so sorry."

My hands are covering Red's worst wounds, although blood is still seeping out between my splayed fingers. I cannot distinguish flesh from clothes now. Red puts her hands over mine and squeezes my hand. I cry a little harder, wanting my friend safe.

"L-let me... Go," she breaths, looking into my eyes. "I'm... N-not in p-pain any...m-more. P-please Lupa... Let me go."

I try to shake my head, but my body won't listen. I am still as a statue, minus the sobs that wrack my shoulders. Red is forcing my hands away. Scarlet blood flows from her wounds, staining her beautiful bodice a darker shade of maroon. I can see the light draining from her eyes. I try to put pressure back on the wound, but Red is gone. Her eyes are blank, glassy. Her body is pale and limp. I cry harder, and hug her body tightly. I stay with my friend all night, crying myself almost to sleep. In the morning, Red's body is cold. She is really gone.

My face is sore and swollen on the right side. Uneven, ragged slashes ruin my right cheek, and the salt from my tears must've gotten in some how. I know that soon the animals will be after a promise of another meal. I can't let that happen. With the first light of sun hitting the clearing, I got up, picking up Red's body.

I have always been slightly taller and much stronger than Red, but now in death, her body is much lighter. I hold her close as I make my way back to town, going to prepare a funeral that was too early. Halfway to our village I come across a farm belonging to a shepherd friend of mine and Red's. I see her out in the field nearest to the dirt road, tending the sheep. When she sees me she begins to wave and then stops, seeing Red's body in my arms.

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