Chapter 19

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"How the fuck," Moira says, examining the cage. "Did she get out?"

"My guess is she broke out," I say briskly, looking for any clue on where the wolf girl went. "Which means, we have an uncontrolled two thousand year old werewolf on the prowl. So where the hell is she?"

A howl pierces the air, along with a scream. Both sound close. I exchange a look with Moira and we take off outside.

"Moira, take the car," I tell her, tossing her my keys. She ran to Lupa's house only a minute or two earlier. "I'll go on foot. Drive up the block that way-" I point south where the road does a turn at the edge of the woods. "Go around the woods as far as you can. I'll follow the scream. You got the walkie-talkie?"

She holds it up.

"Good. Put it on channel six. I'll call you when I find her."

Moira nods and we split up. I walk around the side of her house into the backyard. Her neighbor's fence is broken, and in the fresh mud from this morning's rain, there is a set of large paw prints running into the yard.

Perfect, I think, following the muddy tracks as they wind along the side of the house and out into the street. I see a shadow move and I hear a snarl. Then there's a voice.

"Travis! Travis, it's gonna kill us!" A familiar girl squeals. There is a louder snarl as I round the corner and see the gas station in plain view. Travis and Lilly from school are held tight in each other's embrace, staring down a slowly approaching wolf the size of a horse. I look at the ground for something to throw and find a rock the size of a baseball. Lupa seems to be enjoying herself. Her ears are pricked forward and her hackles are standing on edge in excitement. She is in a crouching position, sneaking closer towards her cornered prey.

"Lupa, stop!" I shout. She swings her head around and faces me. Her pupils are blown out and glazed over. She is staring through me. Her ears slick back and she snarls, snapping the air at me before turning back to Travis and Lilly, who are slowly trying to escape. I grip the rock tight in my hand before letting it fly.

It hits Lupa's snout and bounces off the wall. It cracks as it lands and a piece flies up and hits Lupa in the eye. Everything is quiet as Lupa shakes her head and stares at the other piece of rock. She then meets my eyes and snarls again, fluffing up her fur and changing the position of her stalking crouch. I take a step back. She takes two steps forward, switching her weight from foot to foot.

I turn and run, my head shouting at me as I sprint into the woods, listening to Lupa crash and blunder behind me as she follows. OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT!

I have the lead for the first little bit, running as fast as I can into the heart of the woods. I head to where the trees and bushes are thickest. Maybe that will stop the Big Bad Wolf. I don't hear her for a moment. I turn to look, and don't see her. I let out a whoop that dies almost as soon as it leaves my lips as the wolf jumps out of the bushes almost at my side.

"Oh damn!" I shout, urging my feet to run faster. Fear and adrenaline are rushing through me, making me sweat buckets and run like hell. I quickly pick up my walkie-talkie and hold it to my mouth as I run. "Moira! Moira, do you read? She's right on my tail! Could use some help over here!"

"Where are you? Over."

"I don't freakin' know somewhere in the woods! Ayeeyah!-" I scream as Lupa snaps at my heels. I stumble and almost fall, but manage to stay upright. "Help would be nice anytime now!"

"Got your phone on GPS. On my way. Over."

I look at my pocket to make sure my phone is still there. Now all there's left to do is try not to get killed and wait for Moira and the tranquilizer gun.

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