alrukbatayn - five

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chapter five


"Ms.Lynn, looks like you've had zero sleep last night." My head flew upward as I stared into my teacher's sky blue eyes.

"Oh.. God I'm really sorry Mr.Clementime-" "No need, you're awfully bruised." He gave me a fake smile, his voice sorta mocking me. I shook my head and began to gather the things on my desk. "I fell."

Mr.Clementime's voice turned into worry. "Off of what now?" I felt myself freeze up. Should I tell him the truth? Hell no. I felt my head shake into a 'no.'

He cuffed two fingers around his nose and sighed. "I have to make sure my students aren't trying to kill themselves on the first day of school Liberty." Mr.Clementime turned his back on me and went towards his desk that was in the front of the auditorium like room..sorta like a college classroom.

"I'd never." I hissed as I went towards the door. Mr.Clementime lifted his hand and motioned for me to leave. I left the room and immediately ran into Rowan.

She turned at me with an angry expression but then it turned into a more calmer one. "Oh damn! Thought you were some nerd, Libby." I shoved her playfully and we began to walk towards the doors that led outside.

The sun's rays blinded my eyes and I moved my arms infront of me. Rowan lowered my arms and mocked, "Pussy, take in the light." I gripped onto her hands and started fighting with her, but the nice kind of fighting.

I tripped over a bush and Rowan helped me up. "No more bruises, ok?" I nodded guiltly. After I fell off that tree my leg was littered with bruises. So I decided to wear long pants.

"What are you doing?" Elizabeth moved into my sight, her clique trailing behind her. "I don't know wh-what you mean?" I stuttered, still holding Rowan's hand. Beth signaled to her group of populars to leave.

She stared back at me and pointed a slender finger at my long pants. "It's hot out, why are you wearing that?" Rowan covered her mouth and snorted loudly.

"I get cold." I was visibly sweating. Rowan took a step back and began, "You get cold all the time I bet, princess." Beth gave the two of us a long stare. The air was full of silence, it stayed that way until I noticed that she was actually staring at the bruise on my arm.

She placed a hand on her hip. "You were out at night, I know. You fell off of something, didn't you?" "N-no! I've had this the whole time I sw-swear!" Rowan was keeping her laughter again while Beth still gave me a 'bitch plz' look.

The voices in the background of our scene began to rise as more and more kids poured out of the doors. "You're lucky I don't talk to Mr.Daveed for shit." She dissapeared in between the crowd like a dramatic ass. I scratched my head and turned towards Rowan.

"She doesn't look related to you.." her voice trailed off and she began again, "Other than the eyes." I nodded slowly and swerved through the crowd. It was so fucking hard trying not to hit anybody so I said sorry about fifty times.

Finally though, we did make it out of the crowd. I spotted the fountain and pushed Rowan towards it. I rubbed my bruises as she stumbled and almost fell into the fountain, it's colors weren't very clean and it was splashing over the side from the rain water that was still somewhat in it.

"So, I bet your first three days have been fun!" Rowan laughed. I walked over and took my bookbag off and dropped it onto my feet. I sat down where the fountain mostly splashed. "You could say."

She cuffed her hands together and dipped them into the fountain. I decided to do the same. I lowered my hands into the water, the water was awfully cold. Rowan looked at me and smirked before raising her hands and taking a gulp of the fountain water. I stuck my tongue out in disgust and threw the handful of water towards her.

We sat there for a moment, soaked. The crowd died off and the only sounds left were the splashing of the fountain and silent footsteps. The steps began to get louder. "Oh shit. Bye, Libby!" Rowan grabbed her bag and ran off towards the dorms. I stared off in her direction. What the Hell-?

"Ms.Lynn." I jumped and turned towards Mr.Clementime. He had a blank expression on me which was very scary. His semi-long blonde hair was tied into a ponytail that swayed behind his head. "Yes?" "Mr.Daveed has asked me to check up on you. Do you have a reason for why he asked me to do that?"

"N-no." I stuttered, pulling strands of my hair behind my ears. Mr.Daveed better fucking watch himself. My head ached as I continued to look at him. Out of all the teachers it had to be the hot one with the weird hair. Fucking Lord.

He began to tap his foot. I rubbed my arm and sighed. "I can't tell you why." Mr.Clementime stopped tapping and tilted his head. His face was plastered with worry. "Why is that?"

"Ask Mr.Daveed!" I said loudly. Are you retarded?? Why are you so damn loud! Mr.Clementime put a hand on my shoulder. I felt my whole body freeze up.

I don't know why. Are people in Maine generally this.. weird? Mr.Daveed, Rowan, Roman, Elizabeth, and even Mr.Clementime.

Well.. Mostly Mr.Clementime.

I tugged myself, lightly, enough that his hand slid off my shoulder. I picked up my bag and turned towards the dorms. Daveed wants to know if I'm doing ok. I began to storm off towards my building, Mr.Clementime's gaze on my back. He cares because my dad doesn't. My feet scraped across the ground, some students were staring at me weirdly. Which is rude.

Rowan was no where in sight and I felt tears build up in my eyes. First of all, don't cry. I hissed at myself. Second of all, who cares what those students fucking think!

I basically own this damn school! If anybody wants it come fucking get it!

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