no longer mine to love

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now mornings are when saltwater tears dilute rosewater / swirling infinitely into aromatic oblivion / I am tearing at the seams / I am dissecting myself / and I am moving past you.

elevated. / my soul is eternally elevated, mi amor. / (no, you are not mine, / though parts of me will always be ours to keep) / darling, I'm covering myself in Gaia's soil / darling, I am embedding myself under mother earth's skin / darling, there is nothing between us!

o, angel / it hurts it hurts it hurts!

no you don't understand / I weep(ed) for you / I ache(d) for you / froze my heart to preserve its warmth but now I've become much too cold to touch 

I've ruminated on letting you go / but, ripping love odes all dedicated to you / staring at a sterile ceiling on quiet nights of mania / none of its relieved the tender heartache / what I feel for you is tender rage / merge souls with me / and I will eat you up, baby, / oh yes, heaven is just for us two / our love story will remain in the cosmos for millennia / glistening and beating / at the center of time

existence moves in a spiral /

and so will we. 


same old story, me loving somebody and them not loving me the same way 

hope ur doing well. xx


2019 edit: this whole collection was written in 2017 and reading it all over again has reminded me of how far ive come. emotionally speaking of course. yes, things are bad right now but when these poems were being written I was highly suicidal and the fact that I survived that is everything to me. much love to anyone who reads this <3 may the universe treat u tenderly, always 

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