Im sorry

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Warning-I truly apologize if I offend any of my friends with this. It's not intentional but I really need to get this off my chest...I've been having a bad week and have been just angry all week and I needed to rant is all...please don't take it personally. It's not you its me.

Im sorry
I'm not like you guys
I'm sorry I don't listen to the same music or understand your references
Or in the fandoms you are
I'm sorry if I'm annoying
I'm sorry if I annoy you when I wanna talk about my favorite things
But god forbid I talk about the things I like!
God forbid Jorja shares her opinions!
I'm sorry...I feel awful
I really am sorry
I just
I'm angry
Im not that person you once met
Our group is bigger
It's different
I don't like it
I don't like change
Not one freaking bit
I would talk to you about it but
I just don't know how you'd take it
Everytime I want to talk to you guys about the awful stuff in my life I feel like it's more pressure on you
So I just stay quiet
No one really has taken the time to ask me why I'm like this
It doesn't really matter to me honestly but it's something I've noticed

I noticed that's another one of my fatal flaws
I'm too freaking selfless
I care too much about my friends than I do about myself

Can I be honest here?

I haven't been eating at home lately
I'm getting a lot skinnier than I probably should be
Not because I'm starving
Not because of well anorexia
Just because I haven't been hungry
I'm too concentrated on everything besides myself
Trying to stay up to date on my friends

That kinda stuff

I hate to say this kind of stuff
I want to tell you to your faces and explain it
But I just can't
I'd feel awful

I'm not looking for attention
I'm not looking for care
I just want people to be aware

Guys I want to go to governor school
The one in Greenville
I want to go to college in Michigan
I want to travel the world
I don't want to stay in one place
I want to be able to talk to someone about that
About going to the governor school for the arts
About going to college and traveling to England and Australia and Canada and all those other places

I'm sorry
I'm so so sorry

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