Operation: Save June Child, the Spinoff You Didn't Know You Needed

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Several hours of planning had gotten them nowhere. At this point, they were all conflicting with ways to get June out of the closed unit, each one more ridiculous than the last.

"Maybe we should commit someone else, and have them sneak June out," Liam suggested.

"Or we could just go in there and knock them all out," Malia offered instead, thinking Liam's plan was far too complex.

"Guys it's not just that, it's orderlies, security, mountain-" Stiles' phone beeped, and he opted to read what was received rather than go on and explain what would happen to them. It turns out it was a crime alert, for some unknown creature was running around the streets of Beacon Hills causing mayhem. "Look, we'll figure this out by tomorrow, go home and get some rest. Scott," he looked to his best friend, "We need to go."

The pair hopped in the jeep as everyone else filed out of Scott's house and sped off, Stiles' radio in his car going nuts. Turning several sharp corners, they pulled up behind two cruisers seemingly chasing something else.

"Unit Five heading northwest on Crescent reporting an incredibly large... something." The familiar voice of Deputy Clark rang clear and alarmed.

"Unit Nine to Dispatch, I think I've got eyes on the same thing. Some kind of rabid animal."

"Unit Five to Nine, trust me, that's no animal."

"Unit Six to Dispatch, we have a situation downtown. Multiple fatalities."

"Copy, medics en route. You have a perp in sight, Unit Six?"

"Negative, looks like a 10-91E. Animal attack."

"10-4, can you say what kind of animal?"

Stiles had enough of the banter, he had to warn them. He shifted gears and grabbed the walkie connected to his radio. "All units stay back. Do not engage. I repeat, do not engage."

"Stiles, get off the radio!" Sheriff Stilinski's voice came through in a scolding, "I can't kick your ass in front of my coworkers but wait until we get home" kind of tone. Stiles put the radio down and listened to his dad's instructions. "All unit alert. Wait for backup. Repeat, no one goes near this thing."

"Unit Five reporting a sighting on Hill Road southbound."

"Unit Nine, I've got it turning off Oakridge, southbound on Beachwood."

"All Units, this is Dispatch. We've got a nine-one-one call with additional sighting on Mitchell."

"Wait a second. Beachwood to Mitchell?" Stiles stared over at Scott, whose eyes lit up in fear.

"It's headed for the hospital."

Stiles grabbed his radio again. "Dad?!"

"Stiles get off this channel!"

Stiles wouldn't budge. "Dad, just listen to me, okay? It's headed for the hospital, alright? It's headed for Beacon Memorial. You hear me? He's headed for the hospital!" Stiles pulled off from the rest of the police headed down a road that would take them a significantly longer time to get to where they needed to be.

By the time the boys had gotten to the hospital, it was eerily quiet. The parking lots were empty, and the hall in which the two boys entered seemed abandoned. The faint smell of smoke was hanging in the air, leaving the room in a haze. Behind them, the boys heard the distinct sound of a bullet sliding into place inside a gun.

Whipping around, their eyes landed on the sheriff, who seemed to arrive faster than the rest of his deputies as well. He placed a finger to his lips and shushed the surprised boys, skirting around them to take the lead. Quite suddenly, the ceiling above them shook, and snarling filled the otherwise silent building.

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