June Child's First Ever Night School

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Stiles spent what felt like an eternity out on the lacrosse fields, but in reality had only been two or three minutes tops. He ducked behind a set of bleachers and watched as the enormous shadow barreled past him and after the crowd of faculty and students, then Stiles set his sights on the field. Liam, like an idiot, had attempted to take on the Beast alone. Stiles tried to warn him against it, but his words fell on surprisingly deaf werewolf ears. Chaos erupted, and the next thing Stiles knew was that he was hiding adjacent to a screaming mob of people.

With the sound of roars headed for the school, Stiles noted two things. The first was that the Beast's quarrel with Liam was over, and it didn't seem as though Liam was successful. The second was that the Beast was headed for an unprepared June. June, although she wouldn't admit it to anyone (including herself), wasn't going to be using her magic for some time. Stiles seemed to be the only one who noticed that what happened to her in Eichen was still taking its toll. The reason he wanted her to find him was because he knew how to survive situations without any divine entity, and he wasn't sure she did.

Remembering that June was smart enough to hide in the school, Stiles turned his attention to Liam. He sprinted over to where he saw him last, which was by the school buses. Hiding in the shadows that the fluorescent lights didn't reach, his eyes searched around for the young beta. As soon as Stiles rounded a school bus, he came across a frantic Hayden nearly running into him. Not permitting the girlish scream to escape his throat, Stiles swallowed, placing a hand on his chest.

"Jesus, Hayden, you scared the shit out of me."

"Sorry, sorry. I-I need your help." Her eyes were watery, and full of fright. The pit in Stiles' stomach only grew heavier.

"Liam." She nodded, and turned on her heel, Stiles one step behind her. She wove through a few more rows of buses before stopping. Stiles came around and looked down to see a moaning Liam, his entire torso clawed and mangled. Even in such low lighting, his whole front managed to gleam with blood. Doing his best to ignore the rolling in his gut, Stiles surged forward and placed an arm around his shoulders. Hayden was quick to follow his lead, throwing Liam's other arm over her shoulder, and hoisting him up. Both teenagers tried to ignore the pained moan coming from Liam as they did so.

The two devised a method of peering around corners, and stealthily snuck into the school. There were still some scramblers searching for a place to hide, and fortunately, the Beast's growls were mere echoes on their side of the high school. Avoiding being in the hallways exposed for too long, Stiles veered to an immediate classroom on their right, and burst through the door. Stiles' counterpart placed Liam's weight on him while she shut the door firmly behind him. Ignoring the whimpers of pain coming from Liam, Stiles stared ahead at a place to rest him. "The desk, the desk."

Liam was shifted over from Stiles to Hayden as the former swept everything that was sitting on top of the teacher's desk onto the floor. Liam was quickly letting his pain be heard through his screams. Desperate for him to be quiet as well as okay, both Stiles and Hayden helped Liam onto the desk. Finally in somewhat better lighting, they could finally see the extent of his injuries.

"Okay, okay," Stiles comforted quietly, making sure he was as okay as could be.

"Liam?" Hayden asked, her voice several octaves higher due to her panic.

Liam grunted, "I'm okay, I'm fine," despite the fact that he was not okay and certainly wasn't fine. His friend and girlfriend tore open his jersey to hopefully assess the worst of the carnage. Most unfortunate, a lot of his jersey was embedded into his scratches, and when they peeled them off him, bits of skin and blood came up with it. Hayden gagged as Stiles attempted to blink the sudden black dots out of his sight.

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