( Brittany )
"today i had went to my grandparents house to help them clean there upstairs attic!" so when i had knocked on there door, i had heard my grandmother had opened the front door for me then i had saw my grandfather was carrying down a old box of toys and stuff animals from the attic.
"then i had followed my grandfather upstairs to help them clean there attic of the things they need and don't need anymore!" so when my grandfather had heard me, he had turned around and gave me a hug saying it is so nice seeing you granddaughter.
( grandmother )
"when i had heard our granddaughter had knocked on our front door i had let her in!" then she had saw her grandfather and followed him upstairs to help move and get rid of old stuff we won't need anymore.
"then i had went back into the kitchen to make us some nice lunch for there hard work!" so i had made some grilled ham and cheese sandwhich with milk, so after i had finished making our lunch i had called my husband and granddaughter down for lunch.
( grandfather )
while we were starting to finish up cleaning the attic, "we had heard lunch was ready so we had put down our boxes and we had went down stairs to eat our lunch!" but when my wife had saw me and our granddaughter hands she had told us to go clean our hands in the bathroom.
so when we had gotten to the bathroom, "we had went to the sinks to clean our hands and after we had finished cleaning our hands!" then we had went to the kitchen table and ate our lunch.
( Brittany )
while we were eating at the table, "my grandmother had asked me when are you going to get a job?" and i had told her that i will find a job soon.
then i had asked my grandparents if i can take those boxes of toys and stuff animals with me? "and they had told me that i can, so after lunch i had said thank you for letting me come over and help cleaning your attic and for the lovely lunch grandma.
then i had gave my grandparents hugs and kisses, "before i had left there house with the two boxes in hand i was lucky to live next to my grandparents house to help them out!" then i had came back to my grandparents house because i had left my phone on the table.
"so when i had saw my grandmother had found my phone, she was looking at my apps and then she had looked at my contact list after she had finished looking at my phone! "she had saw me coming in the kitchen and asked me why i don't have any friends? and i had told her that i am to busy to make any friends.
then my grandmother had saw me starting to cry because i am to scared to make any friends! "since i was little i had tried to make at least one friend and her name was betty" me and betty always meet up after school to play games with me.
we always have fun playing tag, hide and seek, and dance to our favorite songs! "our songs were country and hip hop" then we had went home after we had played.
"but one day my friend betty had told me that she is moving to a different state!" then she had also told me that today is her last day to hang out with me, i was trying to hold my tears back until betty had told me it is okay to cry! so i did i had let my tears go free when she had hugged me.
so after i had finished telling grandma my story, "she had told me that she loves me" and i had told my grandparents i love them too! and left there house.
when i had gotten home, "i had took the box of toys to my room and the box of stuff animals to my washing room to be cleaned up!" so after i had gotten all the toys and stuff animals cleaned up.
i had went to the kitchen to make dinner, for dinner i had made macaroni and cheese then i had gotten out a glass of water to drink with my food! "after dinner i had put my dishes in the dishwasher to be cleaned."
then i had gotten ready for bed! after i had went to bed, "i had heard it was raining outside!" then i had fell back to sleep.
in the morning i had gotten dressed, and made some pancakes for breakfest after i had finished eating my breakfest! "i had put them back into the dishwasher to be cleaned again."
then i had looked outside and i had noticed that it was still raining outside! so i had went to my bedroom to put all the toys and stuff animals in two big bags, "then i had set them by the front door after i had checked if i had any mail."
after i had brought my mail inside, "i had saw i had two bills my phone bill and my water bill! then i had finished paying my bills" and before i had left my home, i had picked up the bags of toys and stuff animals and i had put them in my car.
after i had gotten in my car, "i was driving down the road when i had saw a sign saying they are looking for people to work at sunny side daycare."
( grandma )
it is 5:30 in the morning when i had heard my phone going off, and i had saw it was our granddaughter had called so i had answered the phone saying good morning to her! and she had said that she has news for me to hear.
and i had asked her what is the news? "then she had said that she had found a job!" i was so happy for our granddaughter, and after we had finished talking we had hanged up our phones.
( brittany )
before i had gotten out of my car, "i had grabbed the two bags and walked up to the gate" then i had saw my new boss had came to greet me! when she had picked me up she had asked me my name so i had polightly told her my name is brittany, then she had took me inside the daycare.
i had asked my boss her name? and she had said it is Mrs. Hannah then she had showed me to the co-workers room, and i had met sara, john, jack, loren and musu.
then i had introduce myself as brittany, and after the introductions were over! Mrs. Hannah had showed me the rules that i will need to follow around here.
1. NO Running!
2. NO Stealing others toys!
3. and the last rule is NO Yelling!and after i had heard all the rules, i had asked Mrs. Hannah about the second rule about the "no stealing toys away" and Mrs. Hannah had told me that our kids had been stealing toys from our tiny childrens! and then Mrs. Hannah had saw that i was holding two bags in my hands so she had asked me what is in the bags? and i had told her it is toys and stuff animals.
then she had set me on the floor, so i can walk around but before i did my boss had gave me a map of the daycare so i won't get lost!