Chapter 5 - Favorite Jonas

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Really? What did Miley do so bad in her previous life that God decided to make the girl be stuck with the one person she really wanted to avoid? And not just once! It's been like a billion times already! Everything just happened to lead up to this point where now the boy is completely unavoidable.

Although it was satisfying to see that the so-called "queens" were fuming in anger that Miley took away their beloved star, it still wasn't enough. It's like the Gods are purposely trying to get back at her for stealing the $20 back from Jackson but you know what? It is so on!

Ms. Kunkle believed it was best for the pair to spend more time together on the project due to the sudden partner change so she gave them permission to use her classroom after school while she would be off to do some errands off campus and come back in a few hours to check on them.

And there they were now.

In the Anatomy classroom.

Just the two of them.


Miley was completely fine spacing out with her full attention to the window but unfortunately came to a halt when a voiced perked up besides her. "I don't mean to burst your bubble but I'd like it if we could start on this.."

She looked back at him with a nonchalant expression, sighing in reply. The girl knew that the faster she could finish this project, the faster she can get home and drown herself in rom-com movies with Lilly. "Fine, fine. Lay out the poster." Miley got up from her seat and so did he, laying the poster from each end. "Wow, you guys really went all out!" Nick nodded his head in satisfaction, gaping at the almost finished project. "If you knew Sarah, you'd know that she would do the most just to get an A. She would not take a B for an answer." The full length model of the human body had labels of the parts left and right, only a few more missing labels and coloring here and there and the project would be ready to go.


The boy was extremely thankful to the Gods that he managed to get away from those girls. He could not stand another minute of their existence especially when they sound like bickering parrots. And he knew that they would never get anything done if he was stuck with them. Nick wasn't exactly a fan of biology but he was still going to push himself to get decent grades to make his parents proud. You can say he was a little bit of mom's little boy.

As they began to start working on the project, the tension grew more intense and palpable by the minute. Nick wasn't sure why Miley did everything in her power to have his presence completely away from hers but at the same time, the boy didn't want to push her into trying to talk to him. But as stubborn as he was, he wanted an answer. To lighten the mood, he thought of a hilarious question to ask.

"Hey Miley?" His voice echoed in the room but her focus on the poster was not phased by it. In fact, her concentration increased when he began to talk.

"Hm?" Her reply was rather short and brief.

"Who's your favorite Jonas Brother?"

Instantly, Miley's head perked up in attention with a shocked expression. Nick couldn't help but release a laugh at her reaction to the question, shaking his head lightly. Shortly after, she joined him as a chuckle escaped her lips. "It's a serious question though! You're the only one in the school that actually acts like a decent human being by not trying to rip our heads off whenever we enter a room. But I'm sure that once in your life, you've look at a poster of us and decided that one of us was your favorite!" He grinned at her proudly, pointing to himself to signal that he should be the favorite.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2017 ⏰

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