"Star Trek or Star Wars?"
A question I got when I was at a Comic Con many years ago. This always starts off innocently enough...
Look on Google and you'll find any number of articles that tell us "Why Star Wars is better than Star Trek" and vice versa.
They each have their good points. Defeating the enemy, whether it be Kahn or Darth Vader, is always fun to see. They each had less than memorable movies: Attack of the Clones and Final Frontier. They each had super stellar movies: The Empire Strikes Back and The Wrath of Khan. (All of the mentioned are my own personal opinion of course.) Both franchises have also been ruined by JJ Abrams depending on who you talk to.
"I like them both pretty well," I say.
"No." He's firm. "There has to be one that you like more than the other."
I bite my lip. But I'm so indecisive and non-confrontational. Why do I have to choose? "Well..."
"C'mon. I like Star Wars because of the cool characters, the effects and the settings. It's also a brilliantly epic good versus evil story. Plus lightsabers."
"Who doesn't love lightsabers?"
I'm hoping this takes his mind off of the original question. As with a few other decisions I've recently made in my life, turns out I'm wrong.
"Now you?" he asks.
He's already covered the good points of Star Wars. Maybe I should just say Trek because at least I can think of something. Or maybe I should keep avoiding the question. But then I see someone headed to a pretty sweet Dragon Ball Z booth. Now that's my show!
Let's get this over with.
"Star Trek is pretty cool. The possibilities were endless with exploring and made for pretty awesome adventures. The characters were diverse and they really pushed some boundaries. The storylines made me think and the captains were unique in their own way."
"You think so? Star Wars did that, too. And you have to admit Han Solo was a pretty kickass captain."
I don't reply, but had there been a wall nearby, I would have banged my head against it. I make a mental note not to engage with anyone else as I walk to see the cool pics of Goku and Vegeta. Of course I passed a Stormtrooper on the way, which made me think about the autographed photo I'd gotten of Geordi LaForge earlier that day.
There's plenty of room for both worlds.
For the record, there are tons of cool intergalactic series out there. Firefly and Battlestar Galactica spring to mind. How about you? I'd love to hear all about your favorites for when I want a break from life and need to have a marathon.
Tevun-Krus #47 - Galactic Empire
Science FictionThe forty-seventh issue of Tevun-Krus is dedicated to Galactic Empire! You will join us or die...