Power Methane Trio: Hollywood Assemble!

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   The bright lights shimmered the streets of Los Angeles, California when the Methane creatures of MIB bewildered and fixed their eyes on them. It was their first time to have a mission out of New York City. The extraterrestrials enjoyed seeing the famous landmarks as they were heading to the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

" Hey, NE!" his Uranian partner called. " The Earthlings spent too much putting the names of their celebrities."

" Yeah," NE the Neptunian replied. " I wish that my planet has this kind of tourist attraction. There must be my name on it!"

" No, my name should be on the Uranian Walk of Fame!"

" Oh come on!"

" Seriously, Earth has the kind of stuff. It will be the best if our names will be on that corner." Agent UR pointed at the farthest blank star on the left. They kept walking on the sidewalk to reach it.

" UR, we're not popular Earth people!!"

" Hey, it's gonna be cool!!" UR beamed and imagined himself as a Hollywood star. " I can't wait to be an action star on the big screen with flashy movie poster."

" No. I'm going to be a lead role on romantic comedy," NE replied and saw another movie poster. " It will be awesome if Chloe Bennet is my leading lady."

The Uranian MIB laughed as he and his partner kept imagining themselves as Hollywood actors. They glanced each other as they continued their walk. They were all mesmerized on the written names.

" Frank Sinatra, Shirley Temple, Bruce Lee, Marilyn Monroe, James Dean, Bruce Willis," UR kept reading. " Tommy Lee Jones, Will Smith, Brad Pitt, Tom Hanks, Samuel L. Jackson, Hallie Berry, Alicia Silverstone, Paul Rudd.."

" Wait, " NE paused and startled. " They're not just actors and actresses. They have singers.. Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson.."

The Methane Boys were still reading the names. Finally, they got at the
corner which they mentioned, but they didn't realize someone who was standing on the blank star. They curiously stared on the black spiky haired man in front of them. The extraterrestrials were surprised to see him.

" P... NO WAY!!" UR happily exclaimed as he got startled to see his Inhuman MIB senior agent. " YOU'VE CAME ALL THE WAY TO NEW YORK TO FOLLOW US!"

" Yeah..." NE added. " I thought you're having a mission with the Avengers."

" Something came up.." P seriously said and felt dismayed. " The Superhero Registration Act troubled all of us. Stark dealt with it, while Captain Rogers refused and kept thinking about Bucky. Then, the Avengers got divided and fought themselves. I decided to have a break, before they put themselves back together. Now, I'm back in MIB."

" Wow, that's tough.." UR sighed.

" Hey, heroic Earthlings should be united together," NE replied. " Like fighting the bad guys which the MIB and SHIELD do. Besides, you're Pyromaniac! You should stop them using your burning powers!"

Suddenly, some people turned their attention when the Methane Boys mentioned Agent P's other codename. They began to murmur and stared at the MIB/Avenger. He was surprised as the crowd smiled at him. P gave his alien junior agents his creepy death stare. He never liked to be in the public attention for he's out of the normal system which the Men in Black had inculcated him. Now, he's part of the Avengers, he had no choice but to fulfill the missions successfully and neuralyze any witnesses. This time, he felt like being cornered by a sea of people's eyes. He knew exactly what to do.

" I'm sorry," he nervously smiled. " I'm out of the Avengers for a while. I'm a having an official business trip with my associates. No photos and autographs, please. I do appreciate if you return to your normal schemes. Thank you."

The crowd felt dismayed and sighed as P a.k.a. Pyromaniac made his excuse. They were not pleased as he refused not to take pics with him. He would have neuralyzed them, but he turned to the Methane Boys and shrugged.

" Now, you're trying me to blow up, aren't you?" he indignantly asked with his low stern voice.

" Okay, okay, we're sorry, sir," UR anxiously answered.

" I didn't mean to. I should have known.." NE added.

" All right, that's enough.." Pyromaniac sighed. " I've just heard that you spent sight seeing here in LA. Chief O assigned you to protect the city at all costs."

" Yeah.."

" Oh, I forgot.."

" You're right. I followed you to check on the developments of your mission. The Reptilians have set an explosive inside Mann's Chinese Theater. I've scanned the bomb which it has 1 hour, 45 minutes, and 30 seconds to explode."

" SHOOT!!" the Neptunian cried. " We need to do something before it's too late!"

" But we're Methane creatures, we might die in it!" UR said.

" The ordinary crowd never noticed the bomb. The Reptilians made it invisible. We have few time left, before it happens! Let's go!"

The MIB trio headed to the movie theater as they knew danger was coming to this place. It was a film showing of a very popular movie which the fans and paparazzi gathered themselves and cheered at the actors and actresses. The trio ignored that event, instead they went backstage. A 6 feet and 7 inches tall, African-American security guard stood behind the door. He stared and raised his eyebrows at the MIB trio.


P released his fake badge and said, " LAPD Division 6, we need to inspect the building for explosives."

" BOMBS?" he loudly laughed like a hyena. " Man, we scanned the area. I ain't see no bombs."

" Dude, you need glasses.." UR added.

" Yeah, you don't know a bomb is in there." NE pointed at the building.

" You cops are freakin' killing me. Ya ain't tellin' the truth," the guard doubtfully said. He recognized the black-haired man between the two excessively tall minions. " How come Pyromaniac is an LAPD and an Avenger?"

" Listen, buddy." P seriously and calmly answered as he was used to a confrontation. " I had a break when the Civil War with Iron Man and Captain America made. So will you excuse us? We have no time for chats here." The MIB/Avenger carefully examined some suspicious exosuits inside the building as the guard was in front of them.

"Hey, whatcha lookin' at?"

P turned to NE the Neptunian and gave him a signal for him to bring down the tough guy. NE blew the guard with his powerful winds which the other Earthling tripped and fell unconsciously on the ground. They quickly entered the building as the door got opened.

" We have one or more suspects to arrest," P said. " The bomb is at 30 minutes and 59 seconds. We need to split up! UR go to the Left Wing. NE proceed to the right. I'll be heading to the basement to cease the terrorists' destructive activity. Call for back-ups just in case."

" Got it! " NE replied.

" MIB Methane Trio, ASSEMBLE!" UR the Uranian said like Captain America used to prepare on a battle.

Agent UR headed himself to the left interior of the building. He searched for some suspicious aliens in exosuit. He carefully glared at those hoodlums who were dressed up in gray hoodie jackets. He grinned and knew exactly what to do. UR made a surprise attack as he pounded the strange men. He took off their prosthetic human skins and repetitively punched them. The Reptilians couldn't break free as they got stuck in the Uranian's massive weight. They found themselves badly injured from the MIB's fury."


Agent NE also scanned the place on the right wing. There was a sea of people falling in line to the large theater room. He couldn't identify whether if they're humans or other life forms. NE was too puzzled to the crowd's faces. He turned his head to and fro until, he unconsciously stepped on someone's foot. The man behind him felt tremendous pain as he yelled.

" Oh.. I'm terribly sorry. I didn't mean to step on your..." NE said and paused. He recognized the man's odd facial features. The Neptunian MIB's eyes got larger as he knew the suspect. " Hey, wait a second.."

" What is it?" the man asked. He was signalling his accomplices to move out.

" You're trying to ruin this building, aren't you?" NE sharply replied. " You're telling your buddies to escape. Well, prepare to get blown away!!"

" NO... PLEASE!!"

NE was like the big bad wolf in The Three Little Pigs which he made the place too windy. The crowd couldn't get away and the Reptilians were levitating and flying around the hall. The Neptunian closed his mouth and stopped the wind. The Reptilians immediately fell down on the floor.

" You're under arrest!"

Agent P was hurriedly rushing down the stairs to the basement as he used his enhanced monocle to scan the bomb's visibility. He discovered it in the storage room where it was placed. The place was too dark which he used his fire semblance from his Pyro-repulsor gloves to bring light. He reached the room and burned the door's force field. He saw the bomb had exactly two minutes and five seconds. He was thinking to cease its function, but a Reptilian man appeared behind him. The creature held his space gun to shoot the Inhuman MIB.

" Well, well, well, A galaxy defender like you can thwart my plans.." he grinned. " I'm surprised that you're one of the Avengers. Isn't that right, Pyromaniac or Agent P?"

" Krak Hiretsuna.." Pyromaniac knew the alien's name. He recalled the suspect's deeds when he was monitoring a crime scene in Bronx 3 years ago. The Reptilian murdered a Jovian ambassador and his family which he had committed. Krak was arrested by this MIB turned Avenger on the streets. This time, He and his henchmen were attempting to blow the whole theater.

" This is my ultimate Revenge, my friend. You got me into jail, but thanks to my friends. We'll take the whole building down in 1 minute and 2 seconds. You'll never survive in it. Your friends will never find you anymore."

" You've never learned from your mistakes, Krak."

" It's better to see anyone dead!"

P grinned and said, " What if I burn this explosive? Besides, you can't stop me from doing it."

" You can't do that!!"

" Yes, I will," P turned his eyes red and ready to set fire on his hands.

" NOOO!!" Krak cried angrily as he was about to shoot the Inhuman. P a.k.a Pyromaniac quickly dodged and used his fiery Pyro-repulsor gloves to target his opponent. Krak found himself on fire and felt too much pain. The Inhuman MIB/Avenger turned his attention to the bomb and he quickly burned it into ashes. The basement fire alarm detected it. The Reptilian terrorist leader was incinerated and his bones turned black. P found a fire extinguisher to prevent the fire from spreading. Finally, the bomb was malfunctioned and the theater was safe.

Few minutes later, the MIB back-ups came to the scene and arrested the terrorists. Some of them flashed all the movie goers. The MIB Methane trio were all smiling which they had fulfilled their mission. They were thinking of the next thing they would do.

" Hey, it's the premier of X-Men Apocalypse," UR said and noticed the next screening. " We have time to watch it at 9:30 pm."

" UR, Do we have tickets?" NE doubtfully asked. " The Reptilian stand off makes me tired and hungry."

" Well, at least I got 3 for free," P smiled and showed the tickets. " We still need to wait for our turn."

" FREE?! NO WAY?!" the Methane Boys exclaimed in disbelief. They wondered how did their Inhuman MIB senior agent get them. " How?!"

" Okay, the movie receptionist recognized me as Pyromaniac. I was supposed to pay her, but she insisted that the tickets were free and the snacks, too. Being an Avenger takes a lot of perks, but I've never mentioned myself as an MIB agent."

" COOL!!" the Uranian cheerfully grinned and made his thumbs-up. " We're so proud to be with you in this mission. You're our favorite Avenger! Thanks for helping us!"

" Yeah, this is so totally awesome!" his Neptunian partner gently patted the Inhuman's shoulder. " We're so grateful that you made your way to help us! We're proud of you, sir!"

" No problem, boys!" Pyromaniac smiled.

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