Double Burn: Ho'opa'i Syndrome

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The beautiful view of Honolulu and the Pacific Ocean had inspired all the tourists to visit the 50th state. The human crowd flocked on the beach where they spent their summer by surfing, fishing, swimming, and sun bathing. For Agents P and Y, it was an undercover mission which they were dressed up in summer clothes and observing the crowd goers everywhere.

" Hey, P!" the blonde lady beamed. " Maybe, we should go for a swim after this mission. Will you look at the big blue sea! I hope there are no sharks, here!"

Her senior agent grimly stared at her and held his gadget. He sighed and checked another icon from it. He showed an image to his partner as he was reminding her.

" This is what we've come here.." P seriously explained. " A group of Kree and Faunus people were kidnapped somewhere on the streets of Honolulu few days ago. We're still looking for possible suspects from this crime."

" So we're doing official MIB business, again. What about the other guys from SHIELD and the Avengers?"

" Affirmative, Agents E and Omega gave us the leads before we arrived here. Agents Coulson, Johnson, and team JNPR are in Waipahu district with your other RWBY teammates. They're also searching for the other victims. Stark and the others are coming, too."

" Oh, that's great. So, where are we going?!"

P tapped his girlfriend's shoulders and pointed to a local beachfront restaurant behind them. Agent Y slowly turned her back and got surprised. She never knew that it was the right place for their mission.

" Kamekona's Shrimp House?!" Y grew her eyes and read the restaurant's label. She gazed at the menu board and got interested at the dishes. " I would like to have..."

" Agent Y, we're on an undercover mission." P gave her a very serious stare. " This place could give us a clue.."

" Oh, I'm so sorry sir. I just carried away.."

Suddenly, another Asian-looking man aside from Agent P followed the Inhuman MIB couple when they were about to enter the establishment. P immediately paid an attention to him.

" Y, that guy.." he whispered. " He looks so familiar.."

" Who?!"

" He's following us. I found him too suspicious.."

" Should we burn him right away?"

" Wait, he's Giyera! He's holding a gun! Agent Y, let's ignite!" P said as he turned his pupils red and flamed his both hands. Y took her Ember Celica from her clutch bag. The Inhuman couple were prepared to attack the man.

" Yeah, got it, sir!!"

The man was terrified to see them scorching. He took away his pistol and raised his hands. He got too jittery and sweating as the Inhumans cornered him.

" No.. please!! Don't hurt me!!"

" Enough with your lies, Giyera!! Where did you put the victims?!"

" You'll get toasted, Giyera!!"

" What are you talking about?! I don't know about the victims!!" the man nervously replied and showed his badge. " I'm a police officer from HPD!! Please don't hurt me!!"

Agents P and Y returned to their normal selves as they heard the police officer. Indeed, he was telling the truth. He panted, dumbfounded, and thought of running away from them. The couple tried to approach him, but he was still terrified.

" Sorry, we scare you that way.." Agent Y said with a concern.

" We thought that you're someone else.." P calmly said. " We knew that you're an enforcer."

" P-please stay away from me.." the cop replied.

Agent P showed his Avenger badge which he used it for public and said. " I knew you're in the same place for your investigation and monitoring purpose."

" Pyromaniac?" the cop startled. " What are you doing here?"

" I'm with my associate for a classified mission," he answered. " Please do not interfere with our activity." he turned to the blonde lady and said. " Agent Y, do the honors." He handed the neuralyzer to her and both of them wore their RayBans.

" Yes, sir.."

The cop became silent after a sudden ray of light appeared from the metallic object. Agents P and Y smiled at him when he was just staring at them.

" We're sorry for that terrifying welcome." P said. " You knew that I got used to scare the villains away in my Avengers mission."

" Yeah, my boss, Mr. Pyromaniac always asks me to burn bad guys! You know Inhumans like us do those things. But let's just say you saw a bonfire on a broad day light." Y grinned. " And you were wondering where it came from. Anyway, have fun!"

The Inhuman MIB couple left the cop as they went to the restaurant. It was full of people dining and chattering around the corner. P again took his device to scan some extraterrestrials in the establishment. He was like taking a video from his tablet which it was an X-ray camera.

" P, what now?" Y asked and looked at the crowd.

" Looks like, we've got company, sunshine.." Pyromaniac smiled and saw an alien skeleton sitting on the farthest side of the area. He showed the X-ray scan to her as Y fixedly looked at it. " A Nakkadan male, he must be a kidnapper.'

" So, are we going to burn him?"

" Let's do the interrogation first, before the attack. It will be too awkward if we will do that too quickly."

" Yes, sir.." she nodded.

The sinister looking man sat on the corner and busily doing his strange work from his holographic device. He spent time staring at the creatures which he had taken them as captives. He never realized that the MIB agents were coming to see him.

" Excuse me, is the seat taken?" the tall Asian man politely asked.

" No, what do you want?" the alien in a human exosuit replied in his grumpy state. He seemed to be pestered at the blonde lady's smile.

" We want to ask you some questions," Agent Y gave him a friendly wink. " If you don't mind, we would like to use your few precious minutes to answer pertinently."

" I don't need to answer them.." the Nakkadan sighed.

" Well, let's just say, Mr. Pyromaniac and his partner scorched you to respond.." P grinned and snapped his fingers to make a little spark. Y was surprised to see her boyfriend's new Fire Inhuman skill."

" Okay.. okay... I'll answer them.."

" So, are you connected with Kree and Faunus kidnappings?" she asked.

" I don't know.."

" You're not telling the truth..." P stared at the alien. " I saw you looking at the victims in your holographic device."


" You don't know, eh..." Y grinned and asked another question. " What about this one?" She showed another image from P's gadget. " Few days ago, your fellow race had kidnapped some of them in Hawaii. Are you one of those scumbags?"

The Nakkadan guy was speechless and sweating as he moved his eyes. He couldn't respond the lady's question. He was like being cornered from it. P and Y were waiting for him to speak up. Finally, he thought of an answer.

" Okay... I'm one of them.." he admitted. " The Kree and the Faunus people are our enemies. We invaded their worlds for that mysterious weapon they made 200 years ago! Now, we've taken them after we found the White Fang had gone!!"

P and Y exchanged glances and nodded, as they understood the real motive of that incident.

" Now, who's the mastermind?" P gave him a very serious and difficult question.

" It's the guy named Sokushunen. He's a White Fang survivor!! I'm working for him!!"

" Sokushunen the Nakkadan.." P remembered some alien White Fang agents when he was in Mountain Glenn, Remnant. The mastermind was one of the jailers during his imprisonment.

" P, who's Sokushunen?" Y curiously asked.

" He's a jailer and an executioner to some victims in the Mountain Glenn base.." he replied. " We need to contact the others for this search."

" He's with me at the abandoned warehouse on Farrington Highway. We landed there and established a secret base. Then, we started kidnapping them!"

" Okay, looks like.. we're not gonna burn you!" Y grinned.

" You'll be leading us to your secret base and let you get arrested afterwards.." P said.

" But..."

" You're involved in that crime, young man.." P turned to Agent Y and said. " Y, call the others. He's the key to our locked room!"

" Yes, sir.."

Several minutes later, a group of SHIELD agents and some MIBs came to the abandoned warehouse on the highway. There were space alien hoodlums in exosuits who guarded the area. Agents P and Y were still on their undercover outfits as they entered the place. They were too vigilant for some attackers who would try to stop them.

" They might be horrible," Y said and prepared to fight.

" Just keep looking for victims, " P said and kept observing the area. " Sokushunen is lurking around with his minions. We'll keep an eye on them for their next move."

" Yes, sir."

Looking at the dim and gloomy hallway,Agent Y heard loud voices from the other room. They seemed to be beaten as they screamed. She followed the direction which she saw a group of Kree and Faunus people got hurt from their captors.

" PLEASE STOP!!" a female bear Faunus cried.

" YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO US!!" the male Kree victim angrily yelled.


" NOOOO!!"

Agent Y was angry in what she had listened. Her eyes turned red and became enraged. She powerfully hit the door with her burning fists as the captors were surprised to see her. The captives were terrified when she scorched the enemies, however the evil aliens attempted to shoot her. Suddenly, a tall Asian man made his Inhuman fuming and directly hit to the Nakkadans. The other villains got scorched and some had fled. Then, other 2 Inhumans from SHIELD ambushed the aliens when they tried to attack the Inhuman MIBs. Agent Daisy Johnson made the tremors and Pyrrha Nikos used her magnetic semblance to take all the space weapons made of metal and iron. Agents Nora Valkyrie, Lie Ren, Jaune Arc and the other members of Team RWBY came to the scene and released the victims.

" Don't worry, we'll let you out of here.." Agent B the cat-Faunus lady assured them.

" Thank you," the other Faunus and Kree nodded in chorus.

" Are there any casualties here?" Jaune Arc asked.

" We have five Faunus and three Kree, dead." W answered as she counted the survivors.

" Let's just keep going and beat 'em!" Agent R prepared her new Crescent Rose carbonizer to shoot another wave of Nakkadans.

" I agree!" Agent Valkyrie nodded and continued fighting the scums.

The rest of the MIB and SHIELD people continued dueling the detractors. Pyromaniac headed himself to the farthest corner of the warehouse which he snapped and ignited his fingers to create fire. He lighted the dark hallway and searched for the mastermind. He turned his head as he heard a deep strange snicker from the other side of the place. It was a shadow of a space terrorist showed on the walls.

" Well, well, well," a deep creepy male voice echoed. " Looks like, I saw a familiar one from our Mountain Glenn base. You must be our prisoner before.."

" SHOW YOURSELF!!" P yelled when his pupils turned red.

" I am Sokushunen. My friend named Q had told me about you, Agent P.." a tall grey skinned alien with long limbs appeared from the shadows and held his space bazooka. " You should have died before, but a traitor helped you to escape!"

" The young Faunus wanted a new life.."

" HAH! That's what you think. My former colleagues became successful in killing you, but we failed in taking the Faunus weapon into our hands! I will never let that happen again!" Sokushunen triggered his armament as it aimed to the Inhuman.

" I won't give you any chances!" Pyromaniac safely dodged and scorched to hit his opponent. He traded blows to the Nakkadan.

" My mission here is to destroy you and our captives in order to bring the White Fang once again!"


It was a very difficult and tiring duel between Pyromaniac and Sokushunen as they continued trading blows and attacking each other. The Inhuman was still in full energy to scorch him, however his opponent got tired in defeating him.

" You have changed.." Sokushunen grinned and panted. " Your powers can kill me, but I will prevent you from doing it!" He used another powerful weapon to stop his detractor. Agent P thought of a possible target to hit him when some tremors, flaming, attracting, and other flashes of space gun shots appeared on the place. The Nakkadan leader was not pleased when he was being prevented to terminate the Inhuman.

" Let's say more heads are better than one.." a man from SHIELD gave a very warm smile.

" We'll make it TWO!!" Agent Y grinned.

" Perhaps, a UNIT!" Daisy added.

" NO, IT CAN'T BE!!" Sokushunen yelled and attempted to shoot everyone of them. " HOW DARE YOU!!"

Polarity took all his weapons when Sokushunen got furious. Suddenly, a man dressed in a gold and red armor blasted him as Pyromaniac and the others made their final blow to the Nakkadan. Sokushunen fell into his terrible and burning end.

" NAILED IT!" Tony Stark the Iron Man grinned and made his lucky grip to cheer the others up.

" Good work, everyone.." Coulson smiled and turned to the MIB and SHIELD agents. " We accomplished this mission against those Nakkadans."

" At least, I'm here to support your exploit," Stark proudly added.

" Yeah, we're here for Big Bro and Sis's Hawaiian vacation.." R laughed. " It ended up like hunting for terrorists.."

" Agent R..." P and Y gave the maroon-headed lady a death stare.

" Sorry," she nervously laughed.

" At least, we rescued the victims.." B the Faunus MIB added.

" It is very manageable to stop them," Ren smiled.

" We've arrested several terrorists," Agent Johnson explained. " But still lost some victims. They're still on the motive of revenge."

" In bringing the White Fang back," Polarity replied.

" Anyway, we toasted the mastermind into ashes," Y said. " There's no way that those other surviving guys can bring back the enemy faction."

Coulson turned to the Inhuman MIB couple and smiled, " I hope you two made this successful joint mission along with us. You two deserve a vacation before you return to your base." He gave the two some tickets and checks for their hotel reservation and budget for expenses.

" Sir, but.." P shrugged.

" It's just like we did in Las Vegas, before," Y nervously laughed.

" Agent R is right. You need a trip after this incident. Enjoy.."

" Mahalo, Agent Coulson.." P smiled and received.

" You're welcome.."

While clearing the scene, Agents P and Y helped them and left for their next thing to do.

" So what's next?" Y asked.

" We'll reserve a hotel here in Honolulu and enjoy the place. Besides, you'll get to see a lot of things, here."

" Hey, I've read your profile in MIB that you were born and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii.."


" I'm sorry that I hacked and tampered the MIB agent's personal data. It's because I needed to know about my boyfriend's birthplace and childhood hometown."

Pyromaniac blushed as he heard from his junior agent girlfriend's answer. He remembered a specific place in Honolulu where he spent his childhood days.

" When I was a kid, I spent swimming with my dad at the Waikiki Beach." he recalled. " I think we should do that after we reserve a hotel room."

" Sounds interesting! I would love to go there after this tiring and intense mission!"

" Yeah, it will be great!"

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