Chapter One

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Chapter 1 

- Josh -

Sometimes, I wish I could be spongebob. Just chillin' round, making krabby patties all day . I mean, the guy doesn't need to study , he doesn't need to be forced waking up at 8am. He's just living in bikini bottom and has a power of absorbing liquid .

Yeah, just like a tampon. Okay gross, why are we even talking about tampons.

"Josh! Hey bro," My twin brother , Mikey approached me surprised that I'm here "What are you doing here?" He asked 

"You don't want me here my dear twin ?" I asked him , obviously joking. I mean it's clear in my voice right ? It's evident ? . Okay i'll shut up now.

Michael & I are very close twin brothers. We may fight and bicker almost everyday but when someone messes with one of the Allen brothers, oh I wish your soul is in a happy place right after .

"Let's cut to the chase Joshua," He said using my full name to mock me. Oh you did not  just go there dear brother . Imagine me doing a z snap with my fingers. Okay don't it's making me look like I'm gay. IM NOT GAY OKAY ? Im sexy.

"Well then Michael," I said using his full name too. Grabbing his arm, he waved goodbye to his friends. Some girls waved back at  him dreamily, thinking they're the ones Mikey waved at. He chuckled . Ass

You see, Mikey is the prince charming in the two of us. Girls worships the ground he walks on , they treat him like royalty , and He practically returns the gesture. Mikey's nice to them, he treats everyone equally that it almost costed his popularity but he didn't mind. "A girl needs to be respected and cared for ." his words. Once, he approached a girl being bullied and warned the hot chicks that's bullying her to back off. He invites her over our table and became his friend .

While here I am, the adventurous twin, as people call me. Girls also worship the ground I walk on, but unlike Mikey, I snapped at them and tell them to 'fuck off' . But that makes me even more 'Hotter' , other girls said. Their words , not mine. Although, im really sexy tho. 

Once we're in the male's bathroom and out of earshot from the gossip hoes, I began ranting.

"Remember Mandy ?" I asked him immediately. Walking in circles with my head on the palm of my hand

"The hot chick you banged at the party?" He grins wickedly . I smell something fishy *sniff* 

"Yeah, well sh- HEY! I DIDN'T BANGED HER!" I defended myself

We were at some house party last weekend when I met Mandy. She's a blonde chick in another school, probably someone invited her. We talked and things become heated but before we even do just the thing, I passed out exhausted from partying 

"Yeah, sure" He replied grinning again. These are the times I just wanna wringe his neck off and throw his body in a swamp. He inspires the serial killer in me sometimes. Don't get me wrong , I love my twin brother, I mean, whenever I need a mirror I can just look at him . Buit  sometimes he really gets on my nerves 

"UGH, Anyway, She claims that we are together and that the moment I touched her arm she already named our children" I shivered , creeped out. That lady is creeping me out obviously.   "And now she won't leave me alone. DUDE, SHE TEXTS ME ALMOST EVERY 5 MINUTES! DOES SHE HAVE A LIFE OR SOMETHING" I threw my hands up in the air in frustration 

 I barely got sleep last night because of her . The chills man

"HA, just ditch her dude. S'not like it's hard for you man." He said patting my back and leaving the men's room .

"Dude. No , You gotta help me. I need your brains brother! Dude wai-" I didn't finished my sentence when the door already closes , Bastard.

Muttering colorful words, i head out cussing like crazy. But he may be right, I just need to tell her.

But It's not that easy you know ? Based on her creepy texts, she might get a string of my hair to match my DNA and attach it to a doll and torture me everynight

She's horrifying but I have to. For the sake of my sleep!

Walking to Mikey's car, I see him leaning against it. 

Now, to ditch the bitch. 


Heyooo , first chapter. HAhaha i know , It's short. But It felt right to end it at this lol .

leave comments and votes and see ya next week :P

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2014 ⏰

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