Deathly Freezing Cold

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Narrator pov

It was quiet. To quiet. It was so quiet that you can hear the wind moving the trees and the can hear nothing but nature that's the only thing the two angles, a demon and an human can hear in an room that they never knew existed. They can only hear their breathing and movements each time they switch positions to get more comfortable, there an signaller light which is an candle allowing them to make contact with each other but none even opened their mouths, none made eye contact they simply started at the floor, walls and ceiling while playing with their clothing and fingers. But without warning one of them spoken.

" g-guys f-feel c-c-cold?" The one with blonde hair said hugging himself shaking and stuttering. Do to the lack of sunlight he became more pail then usual and the damp cold air causing his hair to cover some of his blindfold.

"Y-Y...Yes J-Jimin. W-We're all c-c-c-cold. J-Jungkook?.....J-Jin?" The one with lighter blonde hair said. He has his wings wrapped around his body trying to keep warm, his hair is also messed up from the damp cold air making it spread in different directions and cover his left eye mostly.

Jungkook looked up at the demon who was saying his and the other name in worry, he was rubbing his hands together trying to keep them warm as possible. He nods in response he was to cold to speak a word to the demon.

"W-What a-about you....J-J-Jin?" The demon asked making everyone to look at the other who was sitting next to Jungkook, but he didn't answer they got silence instead. The three were starting to get highly worried when Jin kept quiet while laying on the hard, cold and muggy concrete floor. They didn't see his chest raise just stay down, even though he laying on his left side facing away from everyone else they can't see him breath or hear him breath in or out.

"J-Jin!?! S-Stop p-p-playing around! S-S-Say s-something.....please." Jungkook said crawling over to the older's body and the other two followed along. Tears were threatening to spill out the blonde hair angle blindfold as he can shaking uncontrollably in panic and fear. As soon Jungkook made skin contact he pulled back like the older was on fire. He. Was. Freezing. Cold. From this he felt an chill go down his spine, but he SWEAR he felt an tiny bit of warmth and his heart beating ever so slowly. They have to do something and fast they can't let him freeze to death. He's human they can die quicker in the freezing cold.

"V-V....i-i-is y-your w-w-w-wings f-frozen?" Asked Jungkook who's lifting up the half dead older off the freezing cold muggy concrete floor and placing him on his lap. V got up off the freezing muggy cold concrete floor and spread his wings out making them freeze as soon exposed to the air. Jungkook lifted the older up in an sitting position. V wrap his wings around him.

They watch in worry and in horror as the older started to have another seizure in the demon wings has he holds him tightly trying to stop the attack. The attack stopped after ten seconds. The basement went dead silent once again only the outside world, only their breathing was heard and the small popping of the fire they made............that was only six weeks ago. Jungkook and Jimin both moved closer to the demon for warmth, they can see the moonlight start to shine thru the cracks on the wooden double door see how much dust in the outside basement. They looked at it wishing to be outside again but can't they'll spread the disease, it can only effect if it's exposed to the fresh air. It'll die once it's exposed to this kind of air it only lives and reproduces in the angle and/or human body's, but it spreads faster in humans more then angles and demons, Jin can die faster.

Maybe he's on the edge of dying and they don't know it, yet. But Jungkook remind himself that this virus can't kill, unless himself gets sick. He can barely sleep as he repeatedly thinks about the virus.....every single second of the night.........and day.

and day

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(Only about them

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(Only about them...........that is all)

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