Deathly Disease; Freezing Rain

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Narrator Pov

Jungkook woke up from an cold drip of water hitting his face. Looking around, he notice thru the wooden double doors there was was raining and it's flooding. Without thinking twice he jumped up and ran over to the old dusty wooden table against the left side of the basement and crawled on top hugging his knees to keep warm. The rain was causing an cold atmosphere, it was now colder inside than it was yesterday, he could turned into an ice in just a few seconds.

Jungkook looked up seeing the other three holding each other in protection from falling in the ice cold dirty water. The water level was raising fast that it's all ready up mid way on the legs of the table, all of them can feel the coldness coming off the water no matter how much they shivered they never slipped in. He can hear cry's coming from the blonde haired blindfold angle holding onto the elders arm while shivering, the sound of rain falling on top of the water surface was only making him feel even more cold and the smell of the rain making everything more muggy and damp makes him want to vomit.

It's been about an hour ever since the rain started to fall, it stopped when the water was about to reach their feet. They would use there powers to move the old wooden tables together and make them bigger for all four of them to fit but their to weak to do so. The only sound that is heard is the calming rain water and the heavy breathing of the elder......then he coughed so violently making everyone shiver thinking that an cough that strong made blood come out. The elder had never woken up since yesterday, Jimin says he woke up for only two minutes then went back asleep, even saying that he just laid there most of the time and barley moved an inch he only blinked slowly and the only then he talked with is his eyes and moved his hands but they only twitched. All of them have hope in the elder would live until the other three make the cure for the virus and once they completely finish the cure they will use it on him before the rest.

Hours pasted and they all watched the rain start to lower, the hole basement is vomit producing the smell of the wet cold and muggy concrete walls has worsen after two minutes after the rain evaporated. Once again an cough was heard and a sound of an body hitting the floor makes it concerning, Jungkook looked over were the noise came from and see the elder on the floor coughing everytime he tooked an breathe, shaking everytime he coughs it's like he's having an seizure. Jungkook watched in pure horror as Jimin and V try to stop the virus seizure before he passes out out like the last time, he was in an coma for a month. The elder stopped coughing and started to breath normally again but with little blood around the corner of his lips. The floor was still wet from the rain and left over water is still evaporating, they need to get him off the floor or it'll make it much worst.

V lifted Jin up in an sitting position on his lap and wrapping his wings around him, trying to keep him warm. He can feel his blood is barley flowing, heart is barley beating, his eyes are fighting to stay open and his skin.......looked like snow. His hole body felt like ice and it burns V skin, even his feathers are starting to puff out of positions.

"V? I-I-I y-you w-w-warm h-him." Jimin stuttered. He used his powers to form blindfolds for the elder one.

Jimin formed about two long blindfolds that are fluffy enough for Jin to keep warm enough. V grabbed the blindfold from Jimin and carefully sat Jin up a bit, then wrapped them around him slowly and once he finished, before he can wrap Jin back up with his wings Jungkook crawled up to the pair and painted an half snowflake on Jins head and half bloody eye. Jungkook pressed his shaking figure against the elders head causing it to glow, while the two watched in confusion.

"I......t-trying c-c-cool down h-h-his body." Jungkook said sitting next to Jimin and V, resting his head against V wings and closing his eyes tightly once he heard another violent cough coming from the elder who's head is resting on the demons chest with an pain expression, but sleeping peacefully at the same time. This happens all the time once he goes to sleep he keeps praying, hoping and begging for Jin to wake up the next day.

Less freezing, less coughing, less pale, more breathing, more heart beats, more talking, more smiling and more movement. They all want that to happen.....all of them still have plenty of energy but not that much, Jin is hanging onto three strings but the third one will snap soon..............

Soon was not an good thing cause the third string............snapped an day later.

(This what's happens when Jin's life string snaps)

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(This what's happens when Jin's life string snaps)

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