Clare and Harry :)

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Clare's POV 

I stood anxiously holding my book in my hand. It was Forever Young by One Direction. It was my favourite book at the moment mainly because it combined two of my favourite things together, One Direction and reading. Anyways, I was waiting outside the book store along with hundreds of other girls for the arrival of One Direction. They were doing a signing. Finally, they arrived. I could feel the volume of the crowd accelerate dramatically as the boys' limousine rounded the corner.  

I stood on my tiptoes to try and see over the crowd trying to catch a glimpse of the boys who were my life. Sighing, I turned around towards the entrance of the store and pushed my way nearer towards the entrance so I could be near the beginning. 

Harry's POV 

I stared absently at the ceiling. Could this signing get any worse? We've been doing the same thing for over two hours. I thought to myself. 

"Hazza." Louis said while putting his arm around me, snapping me out of my staring trance. At this  

simple action, the whole room erupted into a sigh of "awws" or "Larry Stylinson!"

"Yes, Boobear?" I said back to him.

"Are you ok?" he asked me

"Yeah I'm fine." I replied. A girl came up to us next. She had dark brown hair that stopped just past her shoulders and amazing blue eyes. She was shorter than me and even shorter than Niall, maybe about 5'2.

"Harry. Stop staring. Just give her your number." Louis whispered into my ear so softly that I could only just make out what he was saying over the crowd. I blushed at the fact that he had caught me staring but managed to cover it up.

"Can you please sign this for me?" she asked politely. I took her book from her and opened it ready to sign my name.

"What's your name, babe?" I asked her, flirtatiously. She blushed. Awww that's cute. I thought to myself.

"Clare. With no 'i'" she said replied. I quickly wrote down a message and covered it up before she could see.

"Wait til you're outside to open it." I told her.

Clare's POV

I looked at him weirdly but decided to do what he said. I pushed my way back through the crowd and out the door. Once I was outside, I opened up the book then screamed.

Written in the book was this:

Hi, Clare with no 'i' ;)  

I'll be finished in 1 hour. Meet me at the Nando's closest to here. 

If you can't find me, here's my number: 0418 312 332

Love, Harry xx

A/N Hope you like it Clare. Sorry for the wait. Another thing, don't try calling that number... it was a random one... if it's actually Harry's number then its a miracle but not very likely... anyways just don't try to call the number. 

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