Sophie and Harry :)

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Sophie's POV 

I looked around my room really, really excited that I was going to the zoo for my birthday. It was the 27th of July and my friends and I were going to the zoo. So you're probably wondering why I'm so excited about going to the zoo. I mean it's just walking around looking at animals right? Well that is exactly why I'm so excited. I love animals. Anyways, I heard my friends downstairs so I quickly made my way downstairs. 

"Happy Birthday, Sophie!" My friend, Nicole squealed. 

"Thanks Nicole!" I said loudly to her. 

"Here." Lottie said to me as she handed me a present. I opened it and there was the most gorgeous poster of One Direction. Yeah, that's probably another thing you should know about me. I'm totally in love with One Direction. You'd think I'm obsessed but no, I'm just dedicated.  

"Come on Sophie! We need to go now!" I heard my mum call out. I quickly pushed my friends out the door and into the car where my dad sat waiting to drive off. We hopped into the car and drove off. On the way there, "What Makes You Beautiful" came on the radio so my friends and I wound down our windows and sang at the top of our lungs earning us plenty of evil stares from the people around us. Finally we made it to the zoo. We hopped out of the car, paid our admission fees and we were in.  

We had fun walking around the zoo looking at all the really cute animals.  

"Mum! Can we go to the kiosk! I'm hungry!" I complained to my mum.  

"Hurry up." she said waving us off towards the kiosk. 

"Come on!" I screamed to Lottie and Nicole running off in the direction of the kiosk. 

"Watch out!" Nicole screamed as I ran straight into someone. I fell smack bang onto the floor. 

"Ow!" I said. 

"Are you okay?" he asked. I looked up and there in front of me was Harry Styles, the curly haired member of one direction.  

"Um. Ah." I stuttered. 

"Yeah she's fine." Lottie said saving me from further embarrassment. 

"I'm Nicole, that's Lottie and the person you ran into is Sophie. Sorry for asking but what are you doing in California? We though t you were in England still!" Nicole said. 

"And I'm harry but I guess you already know that. And management made us come earlier... don't know why though." he said before extending his hand out to me to take. He pulled me up and then I just stood and stared at him.  

"You know a picture would last longer right?" he said cheekily.  

"um. right." I said nervously. "Oh damn it! I don't have a camera."  

"How about, I give you my number and then we can meet up again and you can bring a camera." he said. He took out a pen, grabbed my hand then wrote his number on my hand followed by a love heart. 

"See you tomorrow." he said to me. "And happy birthday."

Sorry it took so long, Sophie! Hope you like it :) 

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