Chapter 7

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June 28th
2:30 AM

Lance jolted to the crashing of thunder outside the hospital, only to fall back onto the bed as his left arm didn't reach out to support him. with a slight groan of annoyance, he looked around to see no one with him. Must've fallen asleep while Keith was reading the book. Lance thought, lifting himself up with his right arm and sitting up.

the room was dark, the only thing lighting it up was the moonlight that poured through the windows. Lance looked over to the desk and saw his phone plugged in, and the book. Keith had set the book back, leaving it halfway off the table so Lance could reach it. That's unusually considerate for Keith. Lance smiled slightly, reaching out and picking the book up as quietly as possible. he didn't want to alert a nurse that he was awake. Then he would have to go through a checkup again.

Lance set the book on his lap and opened it, startled as the thunder crashed once more outside. after a moments pause, Lance began to read the first few paragraphs of the book:

Authors note:

before we begin, I hope you like all the poems I've written.

Lance paused, not continuing to read on with it, and turned the page. Poems lined each page, like a picture frame. He couldn't help but admire how the letters looked as he read the first poem:

You were red. the passion and aggression. the fire in my soul, and the pride in my talk.

I was blue. the calm and collected. the river flowing through, and the courage to continue.

together we were purple. like the sky when it dawns. the light in the dark, the wind in my heart.

Lance jumped as more thunder plummeted outside. he was having trouble focusing on what he was reading. he shut the book with a defeated sigh and set it on the table, picking up his phone and typing in his password (Struggling to do it one handed).

You have (3) new text messages

Lance tapped the notification and it zoomed to his messaging app.

Pidge: <Hey Lance! how are you doing?)
Pidge: <Everyone is hoping you feel better soon. have you looked at my book yet?)

Lance began to reply to Pidge,

Lance: <Yeah. some of it. the thunder is distracting though.)

Lance scrolled though and found the third text message that was sent.

Keith: <Hey Lance. sorry I left without saying goodbye, but I didn't want to wake you. I hope you don't mind, but I poured a glass of water for you before I left. it's on the other desk beside you. enjoy!~Keith)

Lance gave a small smile and replied:

Lance: <Thanks Keith. I owe you one)

Lance paused, thinking about telling him "I wish you stayed though, the thunder terrifies me" but he quickly thought otherwise. No, that would just burden him. leave him be. Lance paused as a notification came up, saying Pidge had responded.

Pidge: <Are u scared of it?)


Lance: <..NO)

Pidge:<Okay, yeah, ur scared of it. tomorrow I'm bringing flashlights and a board game. it's suppose to storm again, so...)

Lance:<Thanks, Pidge)

Lance went to Keith's contact, sort of sad when he hadn't responded, and closed out of his phone. setting it back on the desk, he laid down and stared at the ceiling, trembling as thunder shook the hospital once more. Screw you thunder.

June 28th
6:30 AM

"Heya Hun"

Lance smiled, seeing Laura walk into the room, "Hey Laura" he replied, sitting up with his right arm for support. Laura fixed the shirt she was wearing, then walked over to Lance, "Sorry for waking you up, Hun. I gotta do some checkups"

"Alright" Lance smiled, fixing his paralyzed arm to sit in his lap. As Laura checked over him, she had began conversing with him about what the doctors said, "Well Lance, the other doctors and I have been chatting.." she paused hesitantly as Lance looked at her with eagerness, "We don't think your arm will get better anytime soon, I'm sorry Hun"

Lance felt the inside of him shatter, but he only smiled, "It's okay. I understand" was the only thing he could choke out. There was a sound at the door before a teenage girl, that Lance recognized as his sister, came in. "Hey, uh, is Lance in here?" she asked.

The nurse nodded and stepped back. Lance felt himself tremble slightly as she walked over, and he noticed the flicker of annoyance I'm her eyes. He never liked her eyes. They always reminded him of a bad dream, or a nightmare. His sister paused and began to rage, "Because of you I have to clean all of the house now to make up for your slacking off" she growled. Laura watched in silence, wishing she could intervene, but she didn't know what to say. Lance didn't blame her, he didn't either.

"I have to do everything in the house while mom pays for what happened. Everyone is paying the price because of your carelessness. Mom told me she wants to disown you because your too careless and she can't keep paying for your mistakes" His sister added, fixing the dark leather purse that rested firmly on her shoulder. Before Lance could reply, Laura walked up to them, "Excuse me miss, but I have to check over Lance now. You can come back and visit some other time" She gave a smile and led her out of the room before shutting the door (and hearing a few protests from her).

Lance looked at Laura as she walked back in and gave him a sympathetic look, "I did what I could to get her to leave, Hun" she said, walking over and putting a hand on his shoulder. Lance began to cry, wrapping his right arm around himself and gripping his paralyzed arm with his hand. Laura silently hugged Lance, "I'm so sorry Hunny"

she let Lance cry until he couldn't anymore.

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