Chapter 9

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June 29th
6:28 AM

Keith woke up to someone shaking him. He opened his eyes only a bit, hearing a female voice say, "I'm checking lance to see how he's doing. Just wanted to make sure you knew, okay hun?"

Keith nodded, sleep fogging his thoughts as he tightened his grip on Lance's hand, and fell back asleep to Lance tightening his grip in turn.


Lance was smiling as he watched Keith fall back asleep. He had felt him tighten his grip on his right hand, so he tightened it in turn, a blush fading onto his tanned cheeks. Laura looked at him a chuckled, "Is he your boyfriend?"

Lance looked at her and shook his head, his blush worsening, "N-No..! Just.. best friends.." he whisper shouted, trying not to wake Keith or Pidge up. Though he knew Pidge slept like a rock, Keith tended to wake up easily.

Laura checked over his arm, lifting it, "Oh please hunny, I can see how affectionate he is towards you. He is bound to like you"

Lance stared at his left hand as she examined it, Keith..? Liking me..? Lance let a small smile spread on his face, and Laura smiled, "Being Gay is not a bad thing. Loving who you love is always right. Love is never wrong" Laura looked Lance straight in the eyes, "And Love will always win"

Lance smiled, then looked over at Keith, Maybe... maybe I do like him..? I don't know. Maybe that would explain how I'm feeling... Lance looked at Laura, "Laura..? Are you married?"

Laura looked at Lance and gave a small smile, "No. Not anymore. My husband died a few years ago of old age"

Lance frowned, "Oh, I'm so sorry" he said, but Laura dismissed it with a wave of her hand, "Oh no, it's quite alright hun. I'm overjoyed that he is in such a beautiful place now. Winston always loved the clouds" She smiled, looking off as if remembering her old past.

Lance looked down, "How did you know you liked him?" He asked. Laura looked back at Lance and smiled that warm smile, the one lance always adored.

"I just knew. I had a funny feeling that I was right to be beside him" She replied, finishing up with his examination.

Lance looked at Keith, a small blush forming once more, "Did you ever feel like... like you wanted to be around him, rather than anything else, more than anything else..? Did you ever feel that you wanted more than just a smile..?"

Laura nodded, "Those and more, hunny" she chuckled and fixed his blankets, "Get some rest sweety" she smiled, and turned, leaving the room.

Lance was silent and frozen as she left, but after that, he turned his gaze to Keith once more. He noticed that Keith's eyes were shut gently, but his hand was tightly gripping Lance's, as if lance's hand was his life.

Lance felt a wave of emotion wash over him as he moved closer to Keith and moved his paralyzed arm to rest over top of Keith, as if he was hugging him, and he fell asleep.

June 29th
8:56 AM

Lance opened his eyes to a computer game noise, and Pidge angrily muttering at the computer. He lifted his head and looked at her, "Pidge?"

"I can't beat this one level" she sighed and plopped her computer aside. Lance paused,

"Did you try hacking it?" He asked. Pidge nodded, "I've tried hacking it, coding it, re-programming it, but nothing is working" She sighed, then turned her attention to him. "So, are you and Keith dating, or..?"

Lance noticed his hand was still in Keith's and he was practically hugging Keith close to him, except Keith was only halfway on the bed still, sitting on the chair. Lance's left arm laid on top of Keith, right where he left it last night.

Lance wanted to shout at Pidge, to protest he didn't for the whole world, but his mouth wouldn't move. He just rested back down and sighed, his mind spinning, won't he just backstab me like my mom and sister did? Everyone I love does it. I wouldn't be surprised if he did it too.

Lance let his eyes trail over Keith once more, "Am I making a mistake..?" He wondered aloud, and Pidge looked at him in, surprisingly, sympathy, "About liking him?" She asked.

Lance only gave a curt nod, a frown growing on his face. Pidge stood up and walked over to him, her eyes trailing from Lance, to Keith, then back to Lance. She didn't say anything, but Lance could tell she wanted to.

Lance sighed and looked over at Pidge's computer, "Mind if I give your game a try?" 

Pidge smiled, "If you beat it, I'm going to kill you" she laughed, walking over and grabbing her computer. Lance smiled, "3 bucks and a coffee says I can"

"Your on" 

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