5 - This Should Have Been It

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Niall walked through the doors of the building and took a deep shaky breath. Ever since he was a little boy, he told himself he'd never come here. But he guessed he was wrong. Love really did make people do things they otherwise would not have ever done.

He walked over to a desk positioned straight ahead and a lady behind one of the computers smiled warmly at him. "Can I help you sir?"

"Yes. Um, I'm here to see a patient."

"Name please?"

"Niall Horan."

"And who are you to see?"

"Greg Horan. My brother."

"Alright." She happily typed in his name into the computer. "Found him. Greg Horan. Room 315. Wow..."


"Well, I was going to ask you if you've been here before but Greg has no record of previous visits before today. He hasn't been visited in all the fifteen years he's been here."

Niall saddened. Yes. He knew that. Mostly because there really wasn't anyone left to visit him besides himself. "Yeah. I know that."

"Well, since you haven't been here, I have to explain some things before I let you back there. Obviously you know this is a mental hospital. So we try to keep our patients in as much of a calm and safe environment as we possibly can. That means that we have guidelines for our visitors. According to Greg's file, he suffers from pyromania which is defined as having an excessive desire to set fire to things. We know his history and we know some of the things that he is capable of. So in order to keep Greg from harming himself as well as others, there are certain things that he is not allowed to have or even come in contact with. Therefore, I'll have to confiscate any lighters or hazardous items that he can get ahold to and possibly do harm with."

"Oh, I don't smoke or anything so I don't have any lighters. Just my cellphone. Is that bad?"

"No sir. Good. You're fine. His room is to the left, down the hall and on the right. But I'll lead you."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, Mr. Horan." She left from behind the desk and began to lead him by her directions. "Also, if a problem should come up during your visit, there's an orderly attentive on every hallway. Just open the door and yell for him. He'll come right away."

"Okay... Thanks."


He hoped that he wouldn't need an orderly but he didn't know what could happen here. He hadn't seen Greg Horan since he was a little boy.

They finally made it to his room but she stopped him at the door and knocked. "His caregiver might be inside with him so I'm knocking just in case."


After a moment, the door did open and an older lady came out. "Oh. Hello. Can I help you?"

"This is Mr. Horan, Greg's brother. Is Greg ready for visitation?"

She seemed shocked but happy at the same time. "Well, of course. It's good to see a visiting face here. But there are a couple things I have to tell you."


"First, you'll be glad to know he hasn't set a fire in ten years. But I know he's itching to do it. We keep a strict watch on him and we get a full hour break but we can only take it in five minute increments in order to come back and check the room for abnormalities. All that is to make sure he can't do anything."

Niall was confused. "What? He hasn't set a fire for ten years?"

"Sure hasn't."

"But he's been here for fifteen."

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