9 - In the Same Manner

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"Hmm. Let's see... I'm sure that's the answer. Yeah. I think..." Niall chewed the tip of his pen and then pouted before taking a sip of coffee.

"It wouldn't be right if I didn't walk in here and find you drinking coffee."

Niall gasped. "You scared me. I didn't even hear you come home."

"That busy?"

"Yeah. Practice test."

"Oh." He sat down on the bed and took off his boots as he always did. "I should leave you alone for a while then. I saw dinner on the stove, so I'll go eat."

"Okay. I'll be back here."'

Liam left the room and Niall resumed taking his test. He couldn't wait until he was finished with school. There was so much he wanted to do that he could not yet do because so much time was spent in front of his laptop. School seemed to be helping his life just as much as it was ruining it.

Twenty five minutes went by and Liam came trotting in the room again. "All done?"


"You're still testing?"


"Why? It's just a practice test. It doesn't even count towards anything."

"So? I still want to get it right and see what I know."

"But at least take a break."

"I don't need one."

Liam softly threw his hands up. "Well, I'll leave you alone again then."

"No." Niall whined and he pat the bed. "You work all day and I only really see you in the mornings and at night on weekdays. Come sit in bed with me."

"Will I be disturbing you?"

"Of course you will but I need a distraction. I think I'm getting a headache from looking at this computer too long."

He laughed quietly but happily stripped down to his boxers before getting in bed. Then he leaned over and draped his arm across Niall's lap. "I can't believe Friday will be eight months for us."

He looked surprised. "Really? I had no idea."

Liam laughed at his sarcasm. "Yes you did."

"Who says?"

"That big smile on your face says."


"I mean I think it's cute you want to pretend you were clueless but we both know it was you who always reminded me of the date so you're not fooling anyone."

Niall smiled innocently but the look was so adorable that Liam just had to sit up and kiss him. It took Niall by surprise, but he still kissed him back just as eagerly. When that kiss was done, Liam moved Nialls computer from his lap to his nightstand.

"What are you doing?"

"Being a distraction."

Niall laughed when he crawled in between his legs. "A pretty big one too."

"And a good one. Don't forget."

"Yeah?" He lay back in the bed and Liam hovered over him.

"Even though we had some miscommunication problems over the past few months, what we have is real. And I'm happy that we got through that and are still into each other."

"Me too."

Now he pressed his forehead to Niall's and closed his eyes before enclosing the space between them for a passionate kiss. Niall pulled at his hair and gladly returned the passion. When their teeth breifly clashed, Liam had sighed into his mouth with a chuckle. "I love you." He mumbled as he reached under his shirt tail.

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